Job Openings - Ελλάδα - Business Administration
(133 Results)
senior supply planning analyst - serres
Διαχείριση Αποθεμάτων: Ανάπτυξη στρατηγικών για την αποτελεσματική διαχείριση των αποθεμάτων προϊόντων, Α, Β' υλών, υλικών συσκευασίας και τη διασφάλιση της ισορροπίας μεταξύ της ζήτησης της αγοράς και των παραγωγικών δυνατοτήτων του εργοστασίου και των προμηθευτών Διασφάλιση της σωστής ποσότητας και του κατάλληλου χρονοδιαγράμματος για την παραγωγή προϊόντων και την προμήθεια υλικών και πρώτων υλών, με στόχο την ελαχιστοποίηση των καθυστερήσεων και των υπερβάσεων αποθεμάτων Διαχείριση Συστήματος Προγραμματισμού (MRP): Υπεύθυνος για την ανάπτυξη και διαχείριση των διαδικασιών MRP (Material Requirements Planning) με στόχο την εξασφάλιση της ομαλής ροής παραγωγής και της έγκαιρης προμήθειας των απαιτούμενων πρώτων υλών και προϊόντων Συνεργασία με το Demand Planning για τον προσδιορισμό τυχόν περιορισμών σχετικά με τη δυναμικότητα της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας και ενημέρωση των εμπλεκομένων σε κάθε κύκλο S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) Συνεργασία με Τμήματα Παραγωγής και Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας: Εργασία σε στενή συνεργασία με τις ομάδες παραγωγής, προμηθειών, αποθήκευσης και μεταφορών για την εξασφάλιση της συνέπειας και της αποδοτικότητας των διαδικασιών προγραμματισμού Αξιολόγηση και Βελτίωση Διαδικασιών MRP: Συνεχής αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης των συστημάτων MRP και εφαρμογή βελτιώσεων για την αύξηση της αποδοτικότητας, την αποφυγή αποθεμάτων εκτός ελέγχου και τη μείωση του κόστους Δημιουργία Αναφορών και Ανάλυσης Απόδοσης: Προετοιμασία τακτικών αναφορών για την απόδοση του προγραμματισμού MRP, ανάλυση των παραμέτρων που επηρεάζουν τη διαδικασία και υποβολή προτάσεων για τη βελτίωση της παραγωγικότητας και της ακρίβειας Συντονισμός/συμμετοχή σε διαλειτουργικά έργα βελτίωσης που αφορούν την βελτιστοποίηση εφοδιασμού και παραγωγικών διαδικασιών Job requirements Τυπικά προσόντα: Πτυχίο σε Εφοδιαστική Αλυσίδα, Μηχανολόγου Μηχανικού, Μηχανικού Διοίκησης Παραγωγής ή συναφούς τομέα Μεταπτυχιακός τίτλος με κατεύθυνση το Supply Chain Management ή τη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων θα ληφθεί σοβαρά υπόψη Εμπειρία τουλάχιστον 3 έτη στον τομέα του προγραμματισμού MRP, με προτίμηση σε προϊόντα FMCG Άριστη γνώση συστημάτων ERP και εργαλείων προγραμματισμού MRP Ικανότητα στη διαχείριση αποθεμάτων και στον προγραμματισμό παραγωγής με βάση τη ζήτηση Πολύ καλή γνώση Αγγλικών Εξαιρετικές αναλυτικές δεξιότητες και ικανότητα επίλυσης προβλημάτων Πολύ καλή χρήση προγραμμάτων MS Office, ειδικότερα άριστος χειρισμός MS Excel Επιθυμητή εξοικείωση με analytics tools (πχ Alteryx) Ικανότητα συνεργασίας με πολλαπλά τμήματα και διαχείριση έργων Γνώσεις σχετικά με τη βιομηχανία γαλακτοκομικών προϊόντων θα θεωρηθούν επιπλέον προσόν Πακέτο Αποδοχών Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών Δυνατότητα επιδότησης για μετοίκηση σε υποψηφίους που δεν κατάγονται από τον Ν. Σερρών Ιδιωτικό πρόγραμμα ασφάλισης Ισορροπία μεταξύ της προσωπικής και της εργασιακής ζωής Συνεχής εξέλιξη και εκπαίδευσης Και το πιο σημαντικό είναι η ευκαιρία να απασχοληθείς σε μια εταιρεία, που νοιάζεται για ΕΣΕΝΑ και την ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ σου!
operation manager (με έδρα τα κουφάλια)
Στο πλαίσιο ανάπτυξής μας αναζητούμε: Operation Manager (με έδρα τα Κουφάλια) Ένα (1) ικανό άτομο που πιστεύει στην ομαδικότητα, την επικοινωνία και την δημιουργική εργασία, για να ενταχθεί στην ομάδα των ανθρώπων της Δ/νσης Εργοστασίου, στα Κουφάλια Θεσσαλονίκης. Απαιτούμενα προσόντα: Πτυχίο Ανώτατης Σχολής (Διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων ή σχετικού τομέα) Τριετή προϋπηρεσία σε ανάλογη θέση (επιθυμητή εμπειρία σε βιομηχανία τροφίμων) Άριστη γνώση χειρισμού H/Y (MS Office) Άριστη γνώση Αγγλικής γλώσσας Ικανότητα ιεράρχησης και διαχείρισης προτεραιοτήτων Οργανωτικές δεξιότητες Ευχέρεια στην επικοινωνία και ομαδική εργασία Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες: Καθημερινή διαχείριση όλων των διαδικασιών που αφορούν στην λειτουργία της παραγωγής σε όλα τα τμήματα Επίβλεψη της καθημερινής λειτουργίας των τμημάτων της Δ/νσης εργοστασιου Εισήγηση στην Δ/νση εργοστασίου για προτάσεις βελτίωσης παραγωγικότητας Καθοδήγηση και βοήθεια σε όλα τα μέλη της ομάδας για την καλύτερη δυνατή λειτουργία των τμημάτων Έλεγχος της απόδοσης των εργαζομένων και διαχείριση τυχόν προβλημάτων Συνεχής έλεγχος και διασφάλιση πως οι χώροι που ανήκουν στη Δ/νση εργοστασίου παραμένουν καθαροί και λειτουργούν σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα υγιεινής και ασφάλειας Άριστη επικοινωνία με τους εργαζομένους των τμημάτων Εκτελεί επιθεωρήσεις στις εγκαταστάσεις για τον εντοπισμό και την επίλυση θεμάτων Συνεργάζεται στενά με τους Υπεύθυνους Προϊσταμένους όλων των τμημάτων, ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η ομαλή λειτουργία των δραστηριοτήτων/διαδικασιών Βοηθά να συμμορφώνονται οι διαδικασίες του οργανισμού με τη νομοθεσία Προσφέρονται: Ανταγωνιστικές αποδοχές Ιδιωτικό πρόγραμμα ασφάλισης Ένα δυναμικό, δημιουργικό και σύγχρονο περιβάλλον εργασίας Συνεχής εκπαίδευση και ευκαιρίες εξέλιξης και ανάπτυξης Αποστολή βιογραφικού σημειώματος στο e-mail: [email protected]
reporting & planning analyst
TITAN Greece is offering an exceptional opportunity for a Reporting & Planning Analyst with an operational focus at our Head Office in Athens. Reporting directly to the Performance Reporting & Control Manager, this pivotal role will require the ability to drive change through data-driven insights. Responsibilities Analysis and synthesis of operational data to provide insights from our plants, supporting data-driven decisions and enhancing overall performance. Drafting and monitoring the budget and revision plans of the Cement Operations division. Actively participate in monthly planning, controlling, and reporting processes, to ensure alignment with operational goals and effective CAPEX management for plant performance improvements. Calculate and control electricity power costs, monitor daily nomination and consumption, and project future costs to ensure operational efficiency and budget alignment. Plan and assess needs for solid fuel purchases, support the approval process for procurement by providing feedback, and ensure the quality of fuel aligns with plant requirements. Drive change by actively participating in and championing new internal Digital Projects aimed at enhancing business processes and driving efficiency. Create processes and master data in SAP PP/QM/MM to ensure smooth operational workflows and data accuracy. Educate stakeholders on SAP PP/QM/MM to ensure adherence to established procedures. Develop automated reporting/forecasting tools to increase productivity of planning and reporting operations Identify and drive process improvements, including the creation of standard or ad-hoc reports and tools, using the full spectrum of tools available (MS excel, SAP BW/BI, Tableau) Develop and present compelling reports, dashboards, and visualizations to communicate actionable insights to key stakeholders. Qualifications Bachelor's degree in Economics, Engineering, Business Administration or related disciplines. Business acumen with a strategic mindset and the ability to think critically and analytically. Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to effectively convey complex data-driven insights to diverse audiences. Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, especially Excel and PowerPoint. Experience with business intelligence tools like SAP & SAP/BW, Tableau and Power BI will be highly regarded. 1- 3 years of experience in a similar position Strong understanding of database management systems and data warehousing principles. Demonstrated ability to drive change and influence stakeholders at all levels of the organization. Strong attention to detail and a commitment to delivering accurate and high-quality work. Fluency in Greek and English (oral & written) Completion of military obligations (if applicable). What we offer: Performance bonus Private health insurance Pension plan Prepaid cards for supermarket Learning and Development opportunities Internships and summer schools for employee children Wellness programs At TITAN we provide equal opportunities for employment, prohibiting any kind of discrimination. All applicants will be acknowledged and treated in the strictest confidence.
customer experience senior specialist
Your day to day will include: Supporting the execution of customer experience strategy in line with the Retail team goals Suggesting yearly plans for new initiatives, features and journeys based on facts analysis, business goals and compliance framework Proposing performance targets, KPIs, and supports daily operations to enhance customer satisfaction and experience Assessing market and customer insights to drive actionable improvements and supporting the development of product content, mechanics and payouts Developing and monitoring analytical reports on performance, identifying areas for improvement and proposing solutions Collaborating with marketing teams to shape campaigns and GTM plans that elevate customer experience Performing market visits to review how commercial actions are translated to customer experience Providing input for new features, participating in User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and monitoring product performance Suggesting CRM tactics and loyalty programs to increase customer engagement and enhance brand experience What you need to succeed: BSc in Marketing, Economics, Business Administration, Economics or relevant field. MSc in relevant topic is desirable 5+ years of relevant experience in a similar product marketing within Gaming, FMCG, Telecoms, Banking Business acumen with customer centric mentality and creativity Solid understanding of marketing and product promotion techniques Very good communication and presentation skills Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Strong sales analysis skills (reporting, deep dives, correlations, etc.) Results an achievement-oriented mindset Teamwork attitude with excellent interpersonal skills Adaptability and flexibility to dynamically changing requirements and demands Excellent communication skills both in English and Greek languages (written and oral) Proficient user of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) What’s in it for you? An award-winning working environment 🚀 State of the art facilities including gym & restaurant 🏢 Hybrid working model 💻 Competitive salary package and bonus scheme 💸 Health insurance coverage & Pension Plan 🙏 Monthly food allowance 🍴 Continuous learning with classroom/digital trainings by OpapAcademy 🎓 Internal Career Opportunities 💼 Well-Being Activities 💪 OPAP Group is an equal opportunity employer
procurement specialist
Your day to day will include: Cooperating with all OPAP teams and subsidiaries to identify, analyze, design, and understand procurement needs. Supporting the consolidation of purchase needs and seeking synergies to reduce costs through economies of scale. Searching the market for vendors that meet OPAP's criteria and providing alternatives to satisfy procurement needs. Developing RFPs based on technical requirements, market trends, and business standards. Contributing to the evaluation and assessment of RFPs, identifying concerns, proposing mitigation strategies, and selecting the preferred vendor. Evaluating and negotiating commercial proposals, collaborating with business units and legal teams for contract signing that protects OPAP's interests. Executing and monitoring the procurement plan, following up on agreements, ensuring timely material delivery, and managing ERP processes for approval and reporting. What you need to succeed: BEng or BSc degree in IT, Business, Logistics or other related fields 3+ years of relevant experience in the Procurement field Knowledge of IT hardware field (servers, networking equipment, storage devices, etc.) and current industry trends Understanding of Procurement procedures and standard contractual terms and conditions Excellent knowledge in SAP S/4HANA, specifically in modules related to procurement, inventory and reporting A working knowledge of finance and/or accounting in terms of budgeting, cost mgt, financial accounting, risk management, etc. would be nice to have Good knowledge of vendor sourcing practices (researching, evaluating and liaising with vendors) Solid communication and negotiation skills High numerical and critical thinking High level of accuracy, good attention to detail, methodical approach Strong communication and presentation skills both in Greek and English languages Good knowledge of MS Office, particularly in MS Excel What’s in it for you? An award-winning working environment 🚀 State of the art facilities including gym & restaurant 🏢 Hybrid working model 💻 Competitive salary package and bonus scheme 💸 Health insurance coverage & Pension Plan 🙏 Monthly food allowance 🍴 Continuous learning with classroom/digital trainings by OpapAcademy 🎓 Internal Career Opportunities 💼 Well-Being Activities 💪 OPAP Group is an equal opportunity employer
sales performance management senior analyst
We at Nova, are a very young and dynamic team , the 2nd largest telecom provider in Greece, looking for vibrant, young, and fast thinking "Sales Performance Management Senior Analyst" to be part of our successful team in our Sales Performance Management & Reporting Department. You have a challenging mission for: Conducting comprehensive data analysis and generate both ad hoc and regular reports that enhance performance management and inform decision-making processes. What will you do: Collaborate in the design of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to effectively monitor commercial and CRM activities, providing variance reports against budget and insightful commentary on performance. Analyze extensive datasets using advanced data mining and modeling techniques, aligning data analysis with business objectives to extract insights and formulate actionable recommendations. Utilize tools such as IBM SPSS Modeler and other data mining software to analyze transactional and customer data, deriving actionable insights. Present findings clearly through visually engaging and informative presentations and reports, ensuring stakeholders understand the implications of the data. Develop and maintain performance dashboards for commercial and sales teams, facilitating real-time performance tracking. Lead projects and collaborate with cross-functional teams, effectively coordinating and guiding the data analysis process to achieve project goals. It would be great if you have: Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Finance, or Computer Science; postgraduate studies are a plus. Minimum of 5 years of experience in a role requiring strong numeracy and data/business analysis skills. Data-driven mindset with a keen analytical profile and meticulous attention to detail. Results-oriented with a proactive problem-solving attitude in a fast-paced environment. Proficient in MS Excel, MS Power BI, and IBM SPSS Modeler; familiarity with IBM Cognos is desirable. Database management skills and knowledge of SQL are advantageous. Previous experience in the telecom, utilities, or banking sectors will be considered an asset. What will you get: Annual Bonus to celebrate your achievements. Wellness programs to keep yourself fit. Mobile voice and data to talk. Discounts on Nova Fixed / Mobile / TV for you, friends, family. Flexy work from home to balance your life Private Insurance program to check up your health Toddlers allowance to daycare your kids
commercial procurement specialist
We are seeking a vibrant and quick-thinking "Commercial Procurement Specialist" to join our successful Commercial Procurement Department. You have a challenging mission for: Formulates RFQ & Tenders’ terms & conditions in cooperation with the requesting departments, in order to clearly define company’s needs and handles / manages the procedure till the receipt of offers. Performs commercial evaluation, negotiates with suppliers and reports the results of the RFQ/Tender, recommending the best solution for the company. What will you do: Formulates draft contracts and cooperates with the internal customers, legal dept and the vendor for the finalization and signature of the contract; Also proceeds with all necessary actions for the proper archiving of the contract. Issues and checks official purchase orders and certifies that all agreed terms and conditions with vendors are depicted on them. Performs market research and seeks for new supply sources. Conducts meetings with vendors and potential vendors in order to stay always updated about market trends and alternatives. Copes with several problems, such us, deliveries delays, violation of agreed terms, payments delays, and performs all necessary actions and communications for the resolution. It would be great if you have: Bachelor or equivalent combination of education and experience At least 5 years of experience in procuring indirect materials and services (Construction Works & E/M, Insurances, Marketing ATL & BTL, Digital Services and platforms). MS Office, SAP system Fluency in English language (written and oral) Very good written and oral communication skills Self-motivated, self-directed and detail oriented Strong analytical and critical thinking Good organizational and project management skills Ability to perform and deliver under tight deadlines Strong verbal and written communication skills Negotiation and problem solving skills Team working and customer centric What will you get: Annual Bonus to celebrate your achievements. Wellness programs to keep you at your best. Mobile voice and data packages to stay connected. Discounts on Nova Fixed / Mobile / TV services for you, your friends, and family. Flexible work-from-home options to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Private health insurance for peace of mind. Daycare allowance to support your family needs.
industry accounts lead (retail & fmcg sector)
The Direct Sales Lead provides expert knowledge and is responsible for driving delivery of the direct sales activities through face-to-face, inbound/outbound phone, or door-to-door channels, which drive the sales of products and services directly to either consumer or business customers. Focusing on new business and developing existing customer accounts for higher penetration through customer account management. The Direct Sales Lead focusses on performing business dealings, negotiations and signing up contracts and identifying opportunities and strategies to win business from the customers. Typically reports to Senior Direct Sales Manager. Who you are Role purpose: We are looking for an Industry Lead to create long-term, trusting relationship with our customers. The Industry Lead engages customers on their business transformation and advises them on Vodafone’s broad range of products across connectivity and beyond solutions, with the ultimate purpose to help them thrive in a hyperconnected world and create positive change at scale. Key accountabilities and decision ownership: • Owns the account management and growth plans (account penetration, revenue, churn) for assigned clientele, both existing and prospective. • Works cross-functionally and orchestrates internal delivery teams on customer success (Presales, Support, Operations, etc.). • Ensures that operational backlog for assigned clientele is delivered on-time by orchestrating relevant internal teams. • Performs pitching, drives engagement and influence at customer level. Owns the relationship building for key accounts of own industry. • Be present in industry-related external fora to drive engagement with key sector execs. • Keeps abreast of technological insights in the areas of beyond connectivity solutions, with the purpose to walk the talk and effectively advise customers on their ideal transformation journey. • Ensures Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and rest experience satisfaction metrics for assigned accounts are met. • Acts as sponsor of industry trends internally to feed the product development lifecycle as well as marketing teams when needed. Core competencies, knowledge and experience: • Maintains expertise of internal procedures, products and systems to effectively manage all steps throughout the customer lifecycle. • Ensures growth and retention targets are achieved (revenue, churn, NPS). • Proven experience gained within a business sales channel (must have minimum 5 years B2B sales experience). • Understanding of how various cloud technologies work together to be able to drive deeper technology adoption within the existing large account base. • Understanding of industry challenges, trends, traditional and non-traditional competitive landscape, etc. • Ability to grow a business through deep and broad expertise in the industry segment. Not a perfect fit? Professional qualifications: • University degree (Master degree will be an asset). • Fluent knowledge of English language (oral & written). • Driving licence. • Computer literacy. • Excellent communication skills, oral and written. What's in it for you We want you to feel happy and fulfilled at work, without compromising the other things in life that matter to you. There are lots of ways we support this, including hybrid working and generous parental leave. You'll also get four Spirit Days a year to focus on your personal development and wellbeing, plus a host of other great benefits too. Who we are You may have already heard of Vodafone - We're a leading Telecommunications company in Europe and Africa. But what you might not know is that we are continuously investing in new technologies to improve the lives of millions of customers, businesses and people around the world, creating a better future for everyone. As part of our global family, whether that's Vodafone, Vodacom or _VOIS, you'll feel a sense of pride and purpose as you contribute to our culture of innovation. We pursue equality of opportunity and inclusion for all candidates through our employment policies and practices. We recognise and celebrate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in our workspace and we do not tolerate any form of discrimination especially related to but not limited to race, colour, age, veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, cultural background, social, or marital status. Together we can. Vodafone is committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best people by offering a motivating and inclusive workplace in which talent is truly recognised and rewarded. We are committed to promoting Inclusion for All with the belief that diversity plays an important role in the success of our business. We actively encourage everyone to consider becoming a part of our journey.
advisory risk & quality professional
PwC Greece
Due to the continued growth of our practice, we are now recruiting a high caliber Experienced Professional to join our team in Athens. Examples of tasks you will work on as part of the team Identifying potential risks in the business and participate in the development of possible options for mitigating/managing those risks Developing specialized knowledge on complicated risk areas of the engagement life-cycle, examples of which are related with but not limited to company research for input on the client acceptance process Assisting in the Third-party due diligence process that involves thorough review and continuous monitoring of business relationships with third parties, so as to identify and mitigate potential risks related to reputational damage, potential conflicts of interest, and other related matters Assisting in the monitoring process of the R&Q related areas and developing end to end reporting solutions based on pre-defined KPIs On-going consultations to engagement teams on Risk & Quality matters Communicating with relevant internal teams and Firm Functions (e.g. Officer of the General Counsel (OGC), Regulatory Team, Procurement, IT, Data Protection Team, InfoSec, etc.) or other Network Firms regarding R&Q/ contracting matters Developing of training material and provision of Advisory R&Q training to new joiners and existing staff What we are looking for Past experience with technology risk management, general Risk & Quality management, contract review, audit and compliance reviews will be advantageous, Strong academic record, including a Bachelor’s / Master’s degree from a top-tier university in Internal Audit, Risk Management, Business Administration, Corporate Governance, Management, Financial Accounting or other related field Excellent business sense and risk awareness Excellent organizational skills, ability to monitor, track and follow-up performance Process documentation skills Excellent skills in Microsoft Office (especially PowerPoint, Excel etc). Familiarity with additional digital technologies (such as Power BI and Alteryx) will be considered an asset Be open and adaptable to working in a changing environment An excellent team player with the ability to work well with other team members, including sharing and collaborating effectively with others, as well as creating a positive team spirit Possesses a high level of accuracy and attention to detail Takes initiative but keep others informed of progress and escalate issues where appropriate; Military services fulfilled What’s in it for you At PwC is all about people, encouraging high performance and quality work. Being part of our team includes: 🕑 Hybrid working model 💸 Competitive total compensation package 🏥 Health and life insurance 🤵 Dress for the day - wear what makes you feel comfortable and dress for your day 💻 Company mobile phone and laptop 🌴 Extra days of annual leave 🧘🏼 Wellness Initiatives like gym sessions & nutritionist 🏃🏽♂️ Actions Teams eligible to participate (e.g. Running, Trekking) 📚 Career development opportunities & continuous training whilst learning from a wide range of top professionals and through tailor made training programmes 🌎 Global mobility opportunities If you're looking for a team that values your work and solves meaningful problems, apply now! We believe the best work is human-led and tech-powered. If you’re keen to apply and need reasonable adjustments or would like to note which pronouns you use at any point in the application or interview process, please let us know.
assurance service delivery center supervisors
PwC Greece
Our Assurance Service Delivery Center (ASDC) in Athens is growing and we are now recruiting for Supervisors. As an ASDC Supervisor you will have the opportunity to onboard in our Assurance services universe through structured on the job coaching and learning curriculum. You will work on multiple business areas, servicing multiple teams within Greece. With a focus on quality, delivery and execution, you will get acquainted with clients across industries using the latest technology solutions daily. While working in various assurance projects you will develop your technical and leadership skills and build your profile for the next level in your career. Examples of tasks you will work on as part of the team Supervising and coaching the ASDC Specialists in performing their tasks Assignment of the ASDC Specialists to work requests Review and acceptance of work requests from engagement teams Communication with User Engagement Teams Review work performed by the ASDC Specialists in order to ensure quality of work Design and implement technology solutions for ASDC services What we are looking for 3 - 6 years of working experience in audit or accounting. University degree (University, TEI) in Economics, Accounting & Finance, Management, Business Administration, Engineering and/or related disciplines. Ability to express ideas verbally and in writing, in a clear, concise and professional manner, (both in English & in Greek). Technical aptitude for learning new applications and databases. A confident and positive attitude, focused on teamwork and communication with colleagues and internal clients at all levels. Be highly flexible with an ability to build trust within the teams. Strong organizational skills. Attention to detail with the ability to participate, communicate and apply knowledge to deliver quality processes in a wide range of projects. Military services fulfilled What’s in it for you At PwC is all about people, encouraging high performance and quality work. Being part of our team includes: 🕑 Hybrid working model 💸 Competitive total compensation package 🏥 Health and life insurance 🤵 Dress for the day - wear what makes you feel comfortable and dress for your day 💻 Company mobile phone and laptop 🌴 Extra days of annual leave 🧘🏼 Wellness Initiatives like gym sessions & nutritionist 🏃🏽♂️ Actions Teams eligible to participate (e.g. Running, Trekking) 📚 Career development opportunities & continuous training whilst learning from a wide range of top professionals and through tailor made training programmes 🌎 Global mobility opportunities If you're looking for a team that values your work and solves meaningful problems, apply now! We believe the best work is human-led and tech-powered. If you’re keen to apply and need reasonable adjustments or would like to note which pronouns you use at any point in the application or interview process, please let us know.