
Θέσεις Εργασίας - Ελλάδα - Secretarial Support 


(27 Αποτελέσματα)

Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες:   – Προγραμματισμός συναντήσεων. – Προετοιμασία υπηρεσιακών εγγράφων και επιστολών. – Παραγωγή αναφορών. – Αρχειοθέτηση εγγράφων σε ηλεκτρονική και φυσική μορφή. – Διαχείριση υλικού και εξοπλισμού γραφείου.   Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: – Προϋπηρεσία τουλάχιστον τριών ετών σε γραμματειακή υποστήριξη ανώτατου στελέχους διοίκησης. – Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ Οικονομικής/Νομικής Κατεύθυνσης. – Άριστη γνώση Αγγλικής γλώσσας και εφαρμογών MS Office (Excel, Word). – Επικοινωνιακά και οργανωτικά προσόντα, δυνατότητα εργασίας με αυστηρά χρονοδιαγράμματα.   Παροχές: – Πενθήμερη πλήρης απασχόληση. – Σύγχρονο & ευχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίας. – Ανταγωνιστικές αποδοχές.   Εάν ενδιαφέρεστε, παρακαλώ όπως στείλετε το βιογραφικό σας στο [email protected] Εργασία σε >>: Γραφεία Ειδικότητα: Γραμματέας Τύπος εργασίας: Full Time Τοποθεσία: Αχαρνές

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Στο χώρο εργασίας
Πλήρης απασχόληση

Ο Όμιλος ΙΑΣΩ στο πλαίσιο της συνεχούς αναβάθμισης των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών του επιθυμεί να εντάξει στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό του για τα γραφεία του στο Μαρούσι : ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟ (πλήρους απασχόλησης) Κύριες αρμοδιότητες: Καταχώρηση δεδομένων Εξυπηρέτηση και διαχείριση πελατών, καθοδήγησή τους και παροχή σχετικών πληροφοριών Διαχείριση οικονομικών συναλλαγών με πελάτες Διαχείριση τηλεφωνικών κλήσεων και εισερχόμενης-εξερχόμενης αλληλογραφίας Αρχειοθέτηση και τήρηση φακέλων Διατήρηση σχετικών ηλεκτρονικών αρχείων Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Απόφοιτος μετά-δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης ή αντίστοιχος τίτλος σπουδών για εκπαίδευση Γραμματέων Επιθυμητό Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ Πολύ καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής Γλώσσας Πολύ καλή γνώση του MS Office και πολύ καλή γνώση Η/Υ Οργανωτικές δεξιότητες και δεξιότητες ταυτόχρονης εκτέλεσης πολλαπλών εργασιών Επικοινωνιακό & ομαδικό πνεύμα Ευχάριστη διάθεση & όρεξη για μάθηση και εκπαίδευση Αξιοπιστία & Αφοσίωση Παροχές: Συνεχή Εκπαίδευση Ομαδική Ασφάλιση Ζωής και Νοσοκομειακή περίθαλψη Σύγχρονο εργασιακό περιβάλλον και προοπτικές εξέλιξης Σταθερό πακέτο αποδοχών

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Στο χώρο εργασίας
Πλήρης απασχόληση
Metlen - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ



12 Ιαν 2025 από 


We are currently looking for a Receptionist for our offices in Paiania. By joining this role, you will play a key part in creating a welcoming and efficient office environment, ensuring smooth daily operations and excellent customer service.   Your Role Will Encompass: Coordinating visitors and managing the reception area by ensuring they are directed to the appropriate person or office and handling their inquiries with professionalism Managing incoming phone calls and directing them to the correct departments or taking messages as needed Receiving and sorting daily mail and overseeing courier service deliveries Greeting and welcoming guests as soon as they arrive at the office Directing visitors to the correct person or office promptly Updating office calendars and scheduling meetings efficiently Performing various clerical duties including filing, photocopying, transcribing, and faxing with attention to detail and accuracy Overseeing cleaning vendors to ensure the office environment is maintained to the highest standards of cleanliness What You Bring to the Role: Previous experience in a receptionist or administrative role is preferred. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Strong organizational abilities. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. Capable of managing sensitive information with confidentiality and discretion. Your Benefits: Competitive remuneration package Ticket Restaurant Preferential household electricity plan Group Health Insurance program Pension Plan

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Στο χώρο εργασίας
Πλήρης απασχόληση

Αρμοδιότητες: Επικοινωνία με το κοινό & εξυπηρέτηση Ταυτοποίηση και καταχώρηση δημογραφικών και ασφαλιστικών στοιχείων σε πληροφοριακό σύστημα Αποστολή με E-mail αναγγελιών των εισαχθέντων στους ασφαλιστικούς φορείς Απαιτούμενα προσόντα : Πτυχίο Τ.Ε.Ι./Α.Ε.Ι. Σχολών Διοίκησης & Οικονομίας ή παρεμφερούς κατεύθυνσης Απαραίτητη προϋπηρεσία σε αντίστοιχο τμήμα στο χώρο υγείας Πολύ Καλή γνώση Η/Υ - ERP Πολύ καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας Δυνατότητα απασχόλησης σε βάρδιες Οργανωτικές ικανότητες, ομαδικό πνεύμα, ευγένεια και προσοχή στην λεπτομέρεια Η Εταιρία προσφέρει : Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών & παροχών Δυνατότητα επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης και εξέλιξης σε ένα δυναμικά εξελισσόμενο Όμιλο Σύγχρονο περιβάλλον εργασίας με ανθρωποκεντρικό χαρακτήρα   Παρακαλούμε στείλτε τα βιογραφικά σας σημειώματα στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση [email protected] (όλα τα βιογραφικά θα αξιολογηθούν με απόλυτη εχεμύθεια)

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Στο χώρο εργασίας
Πλήρης απασχόληση

Λόγω σημαντικής ανάπτυξης & νέων συνεργασιών στον τομέα των υπηρεσιών Ασφαλείας Αεροδρομίων, επιθυμούμε να εντάξουμε άμεσα στην ομάδα μας: Θέση: Υπάλληλος Υποδοχής & Ενημέρωσης Πελατών (Receptionist) Περιοχή : Κεντρικές Εγκαταστάσεις Aegean Airlines - Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Αθηνών Ο/Η Υπάλληλος Υποδοχής είναι υπεύθυνος/η για την άριστη Παροχή Διοικητικών Υπηρεσιών και Εξυπηρέτησης, τόσο σε Επισκέπτες όσο και σε Εργαζομένους των Εγκαταστάσεων. Ο/Η υποψήφιος/α θα είναι το πρώτο σημείο επαφής για επισκέπτες και καλούντες, με αρμοδιότητα την καθοδήγηση στο αντίστοιχο άτομο ή Τμήμα. Επιπρόσθετα, ο ρόλος της θέσεως παράσχει υποστήριξη στη διατήρηση της Ασφάλειας της Εγκατάστασης, διαμέσου της Χρήσης Συστημάτων Ασφαλείας Υψηλής Τεχνολογίας (Συναγερμοί, CCTV, κ.ά.). Αρμοδιότητες Θέσης: Καλωσόρισμα επισκεπτών και καλούντων, καθώς και καθοδήγησή τους στο αντίστοιχο άτομο ή Τμήμα της εγκατάστασης Έκδοση καρτών επισκέπτη (ID Cards) Διαχείριση Εισερχόμενων Κλήσεων Τηλεφωνικού Κέντρου Αντιμετώπιση Ζητημάτων με Επαγγελματισμό & Φιλική διάθεση σε κάθε περίπτωση Διαχείριση εισερχομένων- εξερχομένων mails και δεμάτων Διαχείριση του χώρου της Reception, διασφαλίζοντας ότι ο χώρος παραμένει λειτουργικός και σε ευταξία Εκτέλεση άλλων διοικητικών αρμοδιοτήτων που δύναται να ανατεθούν Προσφέρεται ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών, με ελκυστικό μισθό, κάλυψη κόστους μετακίνησης και την ευκαιρία να εργαστείτε σε ένα δυναμικό, σύγχρονο και πολυπολιτισμικό περιβάλλον με ευκαιρίες εξέλιξης. Αν επιθυμείτε να κάνετε καριέρα στη μεγαλύτερη εταιρεία υπηρεσιών ασφαλείας με ηγετική θέση στην αγορά και διακρίνεστε από συνέπεια, πειθαρχία και επαγγελματισμό, τότε υποβάλετε την αίτηση σας και θα επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας για να σας γνωρίσουμε από κοντά. Επίσης, μπορείτε να απευθύνεστε στο Γραφείο της G4S στο Κέντρο Επιλογής και Εκπαίδευσης Προσωπικού της G4S (Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή, από 09.00-17.00) στον Ταύρο, οδός 25ης Μαρτίου 4, 2ος όροφος, κτίριο Β (πλησίον ΗΣΑΠ Καλλιθέας). Πληροφορίες: 216 - 9005174 Η εταιρεία G4S προάγει την ισότιμη συμπερίληψη στην εργασία και ενθαρρύνει τις αιτήσεις από άτομα όλων των πολιτισμικών καταβολών ή άλλων στοιχείων διαφορετικότητας, χωρίς αποκλεισμούς και διακρίσεις. Job requirements Απαιτούμενα Προσόντα: Απολυτήριο Λυκείου ή Ισότιμο τίτλο. Δίπλωμα ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ/ΙΕΚ με συναφή ειδικότητα θα εκτιμηθεί Τουλάχιστον δύο (2) έτη προϋπηρεσία σε ρόλο receptionist ή διοικητικής υποστήριξης Άριστες Επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες, τόσο σε προφορικό όσο και σε γραπτό λόγο Δυνατότητα εργασίας σε κυλιόμενες βάρδιες με πενθήμερη βάση Εξαιρετικές οργανωτικές δεξιότητες, με ικανότητες ιεράρχησης προτεραιοτήτων και πολλαπλών εργασιών σε ένα δυναμικά εξελισσόμενο εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Άριστη γνώση Microsoft Office ή Google Workspace, με έμφαση σε προγράμματα τύπου Word & Excel Διατήρηση εχεμύθειας και διαχείριση ευαίσθητων πληροφοριών με διακριτικότητα Θετική Στάση και Επαγγελματισμό, με θέληση και δέσμευση στην εξυπηρέτηση πελατών

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Στο χώρο εργασίας
Πλήρης απασχόληση
Deloitte - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ



3 Ιαν 2025 από 


Your role as a Secretary will focus on providing effective administrative and secretarial support to our divisions by handling written correspondences and reports, e-mail and calendar management, filing management and organization of meetings. The position holder will handle sensitive information and content with confidentiality and discretion, will create high-quality PowerPoint presentations. Candidates will also make travel arrangements and hotel bookings according to business needs. #WinningRequirements Our ideal candidates are bright and ambitious professionals that focus on delivering work of high quality, commit to high levels of service and have the ability to build strong relationships. We expect that you also have strong interpersonal and organizational skills and the ability to work effectively within a team. Specifically, candidates should possess the following attributes: At least 3 years of relevant work experience. Higher Education Degree. Candidates with a Private Secretarial Diploma will be preferred. Excellent PC use in Windows environment (Word, Excel, Power Point) and typing skills. Native or equivalent level of English. Proficiency in English is a must. Sociable and discreet personality. #ChooseDeloitteif: At Deloitte, we create positively differentiated work experiences that enable our people to feel valued and achieve their full potential. We value difference, and embrace people with diverse backgrounds and thinking styles. #AboutDeloitte Our services Deloitte offers Global professional services that include Audit, Risk Advisory, Tax, Consulting and Financial Advisory. Our approach combines insight and innovation from multiple disciplines with global business and industry expertise to help our clients excel anywhere in the world. We deliver outstanding impact on the reputation and success of our clients, in Greece and globally. In pursuing this we contribute to a sustainable and prosperous society, and are firm believers in the positive impact business can and should have on the world it operates within. Our Purpose Our purpose, “To make an impact that matters for our clients, our people and society “- defines who we are and what we stand for. This is not about size, it's about being the first choice. The first choice for the largest and most influential clients, and the first choice for the best talent. Our values At Deloitte we foster a collaborative culture where talented individuals can produce their best work. We value innovative thinking, diverse insights and a genuinely distinctive level of customer service through our expertise and professionalism. We value difference, with respect at the heart of our inclusive culture. Our talent experience From day one at our firm, practitioners are part of a community. Our development and career progression framework will help them develop the skills and capabilities to succeed. The wellness of our people and the ability to offer agile working arrangements is at the centre of our unique talent experience. We create a workplace that encourages collaboration, creativity, inclusiveness to ensure our staff are supported, encouraged and feel a sense of purpose and meaning in what they do each day. Sounds like the sort of role for you? Apply now.   This document has been prepared by Deloitte Business Solutions Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, Deloitte Certified Public Accountants Societe Anonyme and Deloitte Alexander Competence Center Single Member Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants. Deloitte Business Solutions Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, a Greek company, registered in Greece with registered number 000665201000 and its registered office at Marousi Attica, 3a Fragkokklisias & Granikou str., 151 25, Deloitte Certified Public Accountants Societe Anonyme, a Greek company, registered in Greece with registered number 0001223601000 and its registered office at Marousi, Attica, 3a Fragkokklisias & Granikou str., 151 25 and Deloitte Alexander Competence Center Single Member Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, a Greek company, registered in Greece with registered number 144724504000 and its registered office at Thessaloniki, Municipality of Pylaia - Chortiatis of Thessaloniki, Vepe Technopolis Thessaloniki (5th and 3rd street), are one of the Deloitte Central Mediterranean S.r.l. (“DCM”) countries. DCM, a company limited by guarantee registered in Italy with registered number 09599600963 and its registered office at Via Tortona no. 25, 20144, Milan, Italy is one of the Deloitte NSE LLP geographies. Deloitte NSE LLP is a UK limited liability partnership and member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. DTTL and each DTTL member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any of each other. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/ about to learn more. DTTL, Deloitte NSE LLP and Deloitte Central Mediterranean S.r.l. do not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more about our global network of member firms. Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services. Our global network of member firms and related entities in more than 150 countries and territories serves four out of five Fortune Global 500ℜg; companies. Learn how Deloitte’s approximately 312,000 people make an impact that matters at www.deloitte.com. This communication contains general information only, and Deloitte Business Solutions Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, Deloitte Certified Public Accountants Societe Anonyme and Deloitte Alexander Competence Center Single Member Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, is not, by means of this communication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte organization shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this communication. Deloitte organization refers to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms and their related entities collectively. © 2024 For more information contact Deloitte Central Mediterranean.

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Στο χώρο εργασίας
Πλήρης απασχόληση
Deloitte - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ

management assistant @thessaloniki


3 Ιαν 2025 από 


As a Management Assistant you will play a key role in the daily organization and business support to your dedicated Partners/Senior Directors. As an Assistant you are the first point of contact for our clients, our colleagues and our suppliers. It is therefore key that you like to communicate in different languages in an efficient and respectful manner and that you know to prioritize the following tasks: Calendar / Agenda management for your dedicated Partners/Senior Directors: scheduling calls and meetings, booking meeting rooms and restaurants, solving agenda conflicts, etc.; Layout and quality check of documents (presentations, proposals, letters, etc.). Being the go-to person for your team: you know Deloitte and your team’s clients, you know where you can obtain certain information, which actions should be taken in which situations, … You are seen as their lifesaver and make their work life easier! Besides the above-mentioned tasks, an impeccable administrative follow-up is necessary: Administration support: handling incoming and outgoing e-mails and correspondence, filing/archiving and scanning documents; Call management: handling incoming internal and external calls, taking messages and filtering calls; Proposal management: layout and quality checks, preparing the admin part (legal certificates, etc.) and making sure the proposal is submitted before the deadline. Ad hoc tasks: Organizing client and internal team events: all practical arrangements such as meeting location/rooms, catering, parking, badges, welcoming the participants, etc.; Translation & review of documents; Travel arrangements: booking flights, trains, hotels and cars. Depending on your own interests, the role of your Partners/Senior Directors and the needs of your Partners/Senior Directors/clients, you will be able to take up additional tasks such as project administration and follow-up, onboarding support, attending meetings during which you take minutes and closely follow up the action points discussed, HR tasks such as a buddy role for new Management Assistants or acting as a mentor for Management Assistant interns, etc. in short, a great opportunity to shape your career. #OurRequirements Our ideal candidates are bright and ambitious professionals that focus on delivering work of high quality, commit to high levels of service and have the ability to build strong relationships. We expect that you also have strong presentation, interpersonal and organizational skills and the ability to work effectively within a team. The ideal candidate should have the following requirements: You have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration or anything relevant You are a school leaver or have 2-3 years of experience as a Management Assistant A good knowledge of English is a necessity, both written and spoken French or Dutch isn’t mandatory, but nice to have You have a good command of MS Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) You are very accurate, proactive, communicative and polite You have excellent organizational skills and a strong sense of responsibility You are a real team player You are capable of handling all contacts and information with the required diplomacy and discretion You are flexible in changing circumstances and you are resistant to stress If you're ready to take your career to the next level in a challenging international environment, focusing on continuous learning and dynamic teamwork, both in Greece and abroad, you're ready for Deloitte! #WhatWeOffer At Deloitte, we know that great people make a great organization. We value our people and offer employees a broad range of benefits: 🏠 Modern hybrid workplace, characterized by flexibility and Smart Working ⚖ Empowered well-being: We provide multiple program offerings to support your well-being needs (flexible working arrangements, extra days of leave, parental allowances) 🌍 Engagement within international large-scale teams and projects, with opportunities to travel for training or client purposes 📚 Constant opportunities for learning with unlimited access to internal and external learning platforms and sponsored certificates aligned with business needs and technology trends 🚀 Challenging and innovating environment where personal development and growth are encouraged, always with transparency and trust ? Diverse culture and active communities that enable you to bring yourself to work 🎉 Team Building and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities 🏃 A buddy to support you with your onboarding 🌴 Extra days of annual leave ⚕ Private medical health insurance plan 💳 Ticket restaurant card ? Exclusive Discounts to several retail providers, restaurants and others 📱 Mobile phone 🍏 Fresh fruits and unlimited coffee everyday at our offices About Deloitte #OurServices Deloitte offers integrated services that include Audit, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory, Tax and Legal. Our approach combines insight and innovation from multiple disciplines with global business and industry expertise to help our clients excel anywhere in the world. We deliver outstanding impact on the reputation and success of our clients, in Italy and globally. In pursuing this we contribute to a sustainable and prosperous society, and are firm believers in the positive impact business can and should have on the world it operates within. #OurPurpose We are led by a purpose, to make an impact that matters with clients, people and society. This purpose defines who we are and what we stand for. It's not about being the biggest. It’s about being the first choice for the largest and most influential clients, and the first choice for the best talent. #OurValues At Deloitte we foster a collaborative culture where talented individuals can produce their best work. We value innovative thinking, diverse insights and a genuinely distinctive level of customer service through our expertise and professionalism. We value difference, with respect at the heart of our inclusive culture. #OurTalentExperience From day one at our firm, practitioners are part of a community. Our development and career progression framework will help them develop the skills and capabilities to succeed. The wellness of our people and the ability to offer agile working arrangements is at the center of our unique talent experience. We create a workplace that encourages collaboration, creativity, inclusiveness to ensure our staff are supported, encouraged and feel a sense of purpose and meaning in what they do each day. This document has been prepared by Deloitte Business Solutions Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, Deloitte Certified Public Accountants Societe Anonyme and Deloitte Alexander Competence Center Single Member Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants. Deloitte Business Solutions Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, a Greek company, registered in Greece with registered number 000665201000 and its registered office at Marousi Attica, 3a Fragkokklisias & Granikou str., 151 25, Deloitte Certified Public Accountants Societe Anonyme, a Greek company, registered in Greece with registered number 0001223601000 and its registered office at Marousi, Attica, 3a Fragkokklisias & Granikou str., 151 25 and Deloitte Alexander Competence Center Single Member Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, a Greek company, registered in Greece with registered number 144724504000 and its registered office at Thessaloniki, Municipality of Pylaia - Chortiatis of Thessaloniki, Vepe Technopolis Thessaloniki (5th and 3rd street), are one of the Deloitte Central Mediterranean S.r.l. (“DCM”) countries. DCM, a company limited by guarantee registered in Italy with registered number 09599600963 and its registered office at Via Tortona no. 25, 20144, Milan, Italy is one of the Deloitte NSE LLP geographies. Deloitte NSE LLP is a UK limited liability partnership and member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. DTTL and each DTTL member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any of each other. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/ about to learn more. DTTL, Deloitte NSE LLP and Deloitte Central Mediterranean S.r.l. do not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more about our global network of member firms. Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services. Our global network of member firms and related entities in more than 150 countries and territories serves four out of five Fortune Global 500ℜg; companies. Learn how Deloitte’s approximately 411,000 people make an impact that matters at www.deloitte.com. This communication contains general information only, and Deloitte Business Solutions Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, Deloitte Certified Public Accountants Societe Anonyme and Deloitte Alexander Competence Center Single Member Societe Anonyme of Business Consultants, is not, by means of this communication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte organization shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this communication. Deloitte organization refers to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms and their related entities collectively. © 2024 For more information contact Deloitte Central Mediterranean    

Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη
Υβρυδική εργασία
Πλήρης απασχόληση
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