Θέσεις Εργασίας - Ελλάδα - Sales Marketing Retail
(691 Αποτελέσματα)
![efood - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/2de7d2b7-a3a2-df1b-8b41-7993e8a03cb1/i/69b1f018-deb1-4754-8d50-9912d8dc50d5.jpg)
shift leader (efood market) - λυκόβρυση
Αν σε ενδιαφέρει το q-commerce, ξέρεις να οργανώνεις μία dream team σε κάθε βάρδιά σου και όσοι σε γνωρίζουν πιστεύουν πως αν δεν είσαι εσύ problem solver τότε δεν είναι κανείς, θέλουμε να σε γνωρίσουμε. Το efood market μεγαλώνει και αναζητά Shift Leader για το κατάστημα της Λυκόβρυσης. Τα καταστήματα efood market βρίσκονται σε στρατηγικές τοποθεσίες, είναι κλειστά για το κοινό και εξυπηρετούν αποκλειστικά online παραγγελίες. Η ταχύτητα, μας χαρακτηρίζει και φροντίζουμε όλοι οι χρήστες μας να απολαμβάνουν μια εξαιρετικά ποιοτική εμπειρία, κάθε φορά που μας επιλέγουν για τα καθημερινά τους ψώνια. Ως Shift Leader καθημερινά: Φροντίζεις στη βάρδιά σου όλα να λειτουργούν ρολόι στο κατάστημα, σύμφωνα με τις πολιτικές και τις διαδικασίες μας Οργανώνεις και κατανέμεις τις καθημερινές εργασίες οδηγώντας την ομάδα σε super αποδοτικές βάρδιες Υποστηρίζεις τον/την Store Manager στον έλεγχο και τη διατήρηση σωστών αποθεμάτων μέσω απογραφών Συμμετέχεις και υποστηρίζεις ενεργά την ομάδα στην παραλαβή, αποθήκευση των προϊόντων και στην προετοιμασία των παραγγελιών (picking & packing) Διασφαλίζεις τη διατήρηση ενός οργανωμένου καταστήματος σε εξαιρετική κατάσταση, ελέγχοντας ότι τηρούνται τα πρότυπα υγιεινής και ασφάλειας Διασφαλίζεις το υψηλότερο επίπεδο εξυπηρέτησης της κάθε παραγγελίας Συμμετέχεις στην εκπαίδευση των νέων μελών της ομάδας Δίνεις feedback στον/στην Store Manager και προτείνεις λύσεις σε θέματα του καταστήματος Βοηθάς στις έκτακτες αλλαγές του προγραμματισμού βαρδιών της ομάδας What you need to be successful Έχεις 1 χρόνo εμπειρία σε αντίστοιχη θέση, ιδανικά στο q-commerce / λιανικό εμπόριο / εμπόριο τροφίμων Μπορείς να παρακινήσεις, καθοδηγήσεις και να οργανώσεις την ομάδα σου Επικοινωνείς αποτελεσματικά με την ομάδα σου αλλά και γνωρίζεις πως να ανατροφοδοτείς σωστά και κατανοητά Σου αρέσει να εργάζεσαι αυτόνομα, σε ένα περιβάλλον με γρήγορους ρυθμούς και προσαρμόζεσαι γρήγορα στις αλλαγές Στοχεύεις στο καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα με γνώμονα την καλύτερη εμπειρία πελάτη Γνωρίζεις βασικούς δείκτες μέτρησης απόδοσης Έχεις άριστη σχέση με την τεχνολογία και τα συστήματα Μπορείς να εργαστείς σε βάρδιες Who we are efood is the #1 delivery service in Greece, working with more than 21.000 stores in 100 cities. We offer our users the opportunity to order anything they desire, wherever they are, giving them the option to pay by cash or card.efood is much more than a great place to work: it is an entire working experience that has its own set of core values: We care, We deliver solutions, We always aim higher. These values shape a single culture across the organization, guiding the behavior of every efooder and contributing to the successful implementation of the company’s mission. efood is part of the Delivery Hero Group, the world’s leading local delivery platform operating in 70+ countries worldwide What's in it for you Τι προσφέρουμε: Ιδιωτική ιατρική ασφάλιση Μία μικρή, δεμένη και αποτελεσματική ομάδα καταστήματος Ευκαιρίες εξέλιξης Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας σε βάρδιες Life @efood: At efood, no day is the same as the one before! efooders know that working and having a good time aren't the opposite and that’s why every day at efood is a new adventure! We always aim higher and we thrive in finding solutions to push our limits further! We care about our customers, our employees, our society. We seize every opportunity to celebrate achievements and milestones, but we also celebrate small things (like Fridays!) Every efooder is part of a fast-growing multinational company, with endless opportunities for professional growth and acquisition of new skills! We have an established, yet super creative and fun working environment, with talented and ambitious people whose ultimate goal is to maintain efood as the ideal workplace! Hungry enough to join us? efood collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you are a European Job Applicant see the privacy notice for further details.
![efood - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/2de7d2b7-a3a2-df1b-8b41-7993e8a03cb1/i/69b1f018-deb1-4754-8d50-9912d8dc50d5.jpg)
cashiers - χαλάνδρι
Το efood local, το νέο concept convenience store, μεγαλώνει και αναζητά Cashiers για το επόμενο κατάστημά του στο Χαλάνδρι. Τα καταστήματα efood local είναι στο δρόμο μας! Είναι εκεί για ένα καφέ - που τόσο θέλεις τώρα - και για αυτό το κάτι για το πρωινό που ξέχασες νωρίτερα να πάρεις ή τα ψιψιψόνια που θα χρειαστεί για την ταινία το βραδάκι. Είναι εκεί στη γειτονιά... και εσύ μαζί με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη της ομάδας - ως σωστοί local heroes -, κάνετε την κάθε επίσκεψη στο κατάστημα να ξεπερνά κάθε προσδοκία. Όσοι μας επισκέπτονται βρίσκουν εύκολα και γρήγορα αυτό που χρειάζονται και εμείς προσφέρουμε πάντα την εμπειρία που μόνο το efood μπορεί να προσφέρει. Ως Cashier καθημερινά: Εφαρμόζεις τις διαδικασίες του καταστήματος και επιτυγχάνεις τους στόχους απόδοσης Διεκπεραιώνεις ταμειακές συναλλαγές, διαχειρίζεσαι POS και διασφαλίζεις την ασφάλεια των χρημάτων Παραλαμβάνεις προϊόντα, ελέγχεις τιμολόγια και εξασφαλίζεις την επάρκεια αποθεμάτων με τη μέθοδο FEFO Προετοιμάζεις και ελέγχεις την ποιότητα των προϊόντων πριν την παράδοση στους πελάτες Εξυπηρετείς τους πελάτες, δημιουργώντας και την ευκαιρία ενημέρωσης τους για τα προϊόντα και τις προσφορές με ευχάριστη και ζεστή διάθεση Διατηρείς καθαριότητα και οργανώνεις τους χώρους ταμείου, παρασκευαστηρίου και ραφιών What you need to be successful Έχεις προηγούμενη εμπειρία σε αντίστοιχο ρόλο σε καταστήματα λιανικής ή καφεστίασης Επικοινωνείς ζεστά και φιλικά με τους επισκέπτες και την ομάδα σου Οργανώνεις το πόστο και τις εργασίες σου Εντοπίζεις και επιλύεις προβλήματα Συντηρείς και διαχειρίζεσαι τον εξοπλισμό του πόστου σου Ακολουθείς τους κανονισμούς λειτουργίας και εταιρικές πολιτικές Διαθέτεις πιστοποιητικό υγείας σε ισχύ (απαραίτητο) Who we are efood is the #1 delivery service in Greece, working with more than 21.000 stores in 100 cities. We offer our users the opportunity to order anything they desire, wherever they are, giving them the option to pay by cash or card.efood is much more than a great place to work: it is an entire working experience that has its own set of core values: We care, We deliver solutions, We always aim higher. These values shape a single culture across the organization, guiding the behavior of every efooder and contributing to the successful implementation of the company’s mission. efood is part of the Delivery Hero Group, the world’s leading local delivery platform operating in 70+ countries worldwide What's in it for you Τι προσφέρουμε: Μία μικρή, δεμένη και αποτελεσματική ομάδα καταστήματος Ευκαιρίες εξέλιξης εντός της ομάδας Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας σε βάρδιες Life @efood: At efood, no day is the same as the one before! efooders know that working and having a good time aren't the opposite and that’s why every day at efood is a new adventure! We always aim higher and we thrive in finding solutions to push our limits further! We care about our customers, our employees, our society. We seize every opportunity to celebrate achievements and milestones, but we also celebrate small things (like Fridays!) Every efooder is part of a fast-growing multinational company, with endless opportunities for professional growth and acquisition of new skills! We have an established, yet super creative and fun working environment, with talented and ambitious people whose ultimate goal is to maintain efood as the ideal workplace! Hungry enough to join us? efood collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you are a European Job Applicant see the privacy notice for further details.
![efood - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/2de7d2b7-a3a2-df1b-8b41-7993e8a03cb1/i/69b1f018-deb1-4754-8d50-9912d8dc50d5.jpg)
sales back office team leader
Η Back office ομάδα μας που υποστηρίζει τη δραστηριότητα του καφέ, μεγαλώνει και ψάχνει έναν Sales Back Office Team Leader που θα συντονίζει τη λειτουργία του customer service και θα υποστηρίζει τους πωλητές μας. Ο Sales Back Office Team Leader θα είναι υπεύθυνος για τη διαχείριση και υποστήριξη των εργασιών του back office, εξασφαλίζοντας την ομαλή συνεργασία μεταξύ των πωλήσεων, της αποθήκης και της εξυπηρέτησης πελατών. Η καθημερινότητα θα περιλαμβάνει επικοινωνία με συνεργάτες για θέματα που αφορούν τις παραγγελίες τους & τιμολογήσεις με σκοπό την ανάπτυξή τους. Η διατήρηση του Reporting και βασικών Metrics θα είναι πολύ σημαντικό μέρος του ρόλου με στόχο να αποτυπώνονται οι αποδόσεις των πελατών & η στοχοθεσία των πωλητών της ομάδας. Τι θα κάνεις: Υποστήριξη πελατών σχετικά με ζητήματα που αφορούν προιόντα, παραγγελίες & παραδόσεις Παρακολούθηση και διασφάλιση έγκαιρης επεξεργασίας παραγγελιών και συνεχή συνεργασία με την αποθήκη Συνεργασία με τους πωλητές και τον υπεύθυνο τμήματος για την οργάνωση του πελατολογιού και την παρακολούθηση εκκρεμοτήτων Ενημέρωση του ERP συστήματος και διατήρηση βασικού reporting Προετοιμασία των εγγράφων των χρησιδανείων και επικοινωνία με την εταιρεία Jacobs για σχετικά θέματα Σύνταξη αναφορών για την απόδοση πελατών και την παρακολούθηση στόχων πωλήσεων Έλεγχο της ορθής καταχώρησης και ενημέρωση των εμπορικών όρων συνεργασίας ανά κωδικό πελάτη στο ERP Εντοπισμό και επίλυση λειτουργικών προβλημάτων που επηρεάζουν την εμπειρία του πελάτη και τη λειτουργικότητα της ομάδας What you need to be successful Εμπειρία σε θέση Λογιστηρίου ή ομάδα Back Office εμπορικής εταιρείας Πολύ καλή γνώση Αγγλικών σε προφορικό και γραπτό επιπέδο Εξοικείωση με ERP συστήματα και CRM Ανθρωποκεντρική προσέγγιση για την επιτυχημένη διαχείριση ομάδας και ανάπτυξης δεξιοτήτων των μελών της Εξαιρετικές οργανωτικές δεξιότητες και ικανότητα διαχείρισης πολλαπλών εργασιών με προτεραιότητα Ευελιξία και προσαρμοστικότητα σε ένα δυναμικό και μεταβαλλόμενο περιβάλλον εργασίας Who we are efood is part of the Delivery Hero Group, the world’s pioneering local delivery platform, our mission is to deliver an amazing experience—fast, easy, and to your door. We operate in over 70+ countries worldwide. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Delivery Hero has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2017 and is part of the MDAX stock market index. What's in it for you We recognize good work and we want our people to feel appreciated! That’s why we offer an attractive remuneration package for what you bring in! We share a passion for food, so you will certainly appreciate the ticket restaurant card 💳 to spend in restaurants and/or food supplies. We are efooders after all! We take care of you with Private Medical & Life Insurance from day #1 to keep you healthy and happy! We prioritize your mental health and offer round-the-clock access to an online mental health platform. You can schedule unlimited therapy sessions with certified psychologists and coaching sessions with experienced coaches. 🧠 We want you to grow with us 🚀 ! And to help you keep improving, we provide you access to our online training platform where you can study 📖 topics for your personal and professional growth! Are you a cappuccino lover ☕? Do you desperately want a cookie? Our cafeteria got you covered! If you want to stay in shape 🏋️ , our in-house gym awaits you fully equipped! We are passionate about exploring, growing & learning and our Global Mobility plan is created to help our people find their purpose around the world! 🌎 Life @efood: At efood, no day is the same as the day before! efooders know that working and having a good time aren't the opposite and that’s why every day at efood is a new adventure! We always aim higher and we thrive in finding solutions to push our limits further! We care about our customers, our employees, and our society. We seize every opportunity to celebrate achievements and milestones, but we also celebrate small things (like Fridays!) Every efooder is part of a fast-growing multinational company, with endless opportunities for professional growth and acquisition of new skills! We have an established, yet super creative and fun working environment, with talented and ambitious people whose ultimate goal is to maintain efood as the ideal workplace! Hungry enough to join us? efood collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you are a European Job Applicant see the privacy notice for further details.
![ENTERSOFT - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/a1103688-1d69-5eba-4318-60fd73fff2d9/i/ee231d83-59d6-43fc-9cc5-f8e1c10d5024.jpg)
payroll & hrm systems consultant | athens
We are expanding our Payroll & HRM Systems Consultants team in Athens and we are looking for enthusiast professionals for the role. About the Role: Advise customers on HR and Payroll processes with respect to Entersoft Software solutions Conduct needs analysis for customers and provide actionable insights Provide training to customers and achieve their smooth introduction to the new software environment and business solutions Provide continuous support to customers and monitor software-related issues Apply payroll and HR knowledge to address business challenges Stay on top of regulatory changes Desired Skills & Experience: Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration or Human Resources Management fields Professional experience in Payroll roles Good understanding of labor and social security legislation Familiarity with HRMS (Human Resource Management Systems) will be considered a plus Strong interpersonal and presentation skills Ability to work independently and as part of a team Customer-oriented mindset with a commitment to delivering high-quality service Time management and organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple priorities What we offer: For the right talent that want to be part of our innovation-driven environment and high-performance culture, our offering includes: Competitive remuneration package Private health insurance plan Benefits such as gift cards, meal tickets, personal travelling expenses etc. Continuous training opportunities and certifications A positive and supportive working environment Corporate laptop and equipment How to apply: If you are interested in this career opportunity, then we are eager to get to know you! To apply for this role please send your CV at [email protected] . All applicants will be treated in strict confidence.
![ENTERSOFT - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/a1103688-1d69-5eba-4318-60fd73fff2d9/i/ee231d83-59d6-43fc-9cc5-f8e1c10d5024.jpg)
sales account manager | athens, attica
We are looking for a Sales Account Manager to manage a portfolio of accounts to achieve long-term success, develop positive relationships with clients and generate new sales using existing and potential customer networks. About the Role Liaise with existing clients and engage potential ones Present and promote product features to customers Discuss software needs and suggest the most suitable solutions Identify and generate new sales opportunities Submit offers for sales processing and negotiate agreements with clients Build and maintain trustful and long-term relationships with customers Collaborate with the sales team to develop strategies and reach goals Provide sales reporting and bring new ideas for improvements Use CRM software to manage sales activities Stay up-to-date on market trends, competition, and industry developments Requirements and skills Bachelor or Master’s degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Information Systems or relevant field Minimum 2 years’ experience in Software Sales. Experience in ERP Sales will be considered as an asset Knowledge of CRM software usage Strong verbal and written communication skills Ability to build and maintain relationships with potential clients Knowledge of sales techniques and strategies Strong negotiation skills Results orientation with achievement drive Ability to work independently and as part of a team Flexibility and adaptability to change What we offer For the right talent that want to be part of our innovation-driven environment and high-performance culture, our offering includes: Competitive remuneration package Corporate laptop and equipment, car and mobile Private health insurance plan Benefits such as gift cards, meal tickets, personal travelling expenses etc. Continuous training opportunities and certifications A positive and supportive working environment How to apply: If you are interested in this career opportunity, then we are eager to get to know you! To apply for this role please send your CV at [email protected] . All applicants will be treated in strict confidence.
![SKY express - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/3c563d7d-6673-ac39-19d7-9d9afb87d5a1/i/172927d5-e811-44f1-b3c5-879fa2dbac98.jpg)
sales executive (greece)
SKY express
The Sales Executive (Greece) is responsible for trade sales and business development activities in an assigned territory in Greece. This role plays a critical function in driving business growth, increasing brand awareness, and ensuring the successful implementation of the company’s commercial strategies tailored to the Greek travel trade. Responsibilities: Collect, analyse, and summarize sales activity. Identify trends, customer preferences, and monitor competitive landscape through research and analysis. Manage a portfolio of trade partners (i.e. Travel Agents). Identify trade partner requirements and needs. Maximize company’s revenue growth and market share through the respective B2B channels. Make data-driven recommendations for continuous improvement in travel trade engagement and sales performance. Propose and execute appropriate actions to achieve performance against targets. Build and maintain relationships with external stakeholders fostering drive sales in Greek market. Negotiate agreements with trade partners and contribute to the preparation of the underlying commercial contracts. Provide feedback on company’s distribution strategy, service and competitiveness. Establish company as the trade partners’ airline of choice. Represent and promote company in communities’ events, trade shows, familiarization trips and workshops. Competences: Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Strong strategic thinking and analytical skills. Very good negotiation skills. Ability to prioritize tasks. Time-management skills and ability to work under pressure. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Travel Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field. A master’s degree will be considered an asset. Preferred proven experience in airline sales management. Extensive familiarity with the Greek travel trade, including travel agents, tour operators, and industry stakeholders. In-depth knowledge of the Greek travel market, including consumer behavior, market dynamics, and aviation trends. Fluency in oral and written English. • Proficiency Knowledge of MS Office. Benefits: A dynamic work environment with the chance to make a tangible impact on our success. Development plan opportunities within the company. Travel benefits on SKY express flights (including a’ grade family members). About SKY express: We are the Greek multi-awarded airline for excellence and innovation in Europe, which is redefining the landscape of aviation. With Greece’s youngest fleet and the addition of two new AIRBUS A320 neo and four new ATR 72-600 in 2024, at SKY express we keep connecting people, businesses, and dreams wherever we fly. SKY express has been recognized with two prestigious ERA awards for its remarkable work in innovating and excelling in the aviation. More specifically SKY express has been awarded: • The ERA Airline Excellence Award 2023 • The ERA Innovation Airline Award 2023 At SKY express, we are on a mission to turn everyday flying into a modern, comfortable, and tailormade experience, that fits all our passengers’ needs. We can’t wait to have you on board on this new remarkable journey! Applicants’ personal data will be used for recruitment purposes only and applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Please note that only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
![SKY express - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/3c563d7d-6673-ac39-19d7-9d9afb87d5a1/i/172927d5-e811-44f1-b3c5-879fa2dbac98.jpg)
sales support and reservation agent
SKY express
The Sales Support and Reservation Agent is responsible for providing excellent customer service, driving sales, and ensuring efficient operations within the airline industry. This role plays a critical function in driving business growth, increasing brand awareness, and ensuring the successful implementation of the company’s commercial strategies. Responsibilities: Build and maintain relationships with external partners and travel agencies to generate additional sales and revenue. Negotiate and close agreements with trade partners and customers. Handle on-time customer inquiries and requests. Manage and monitor tickets’ reservation. Support Group sales operations and reporting. Identify customer needs and ensure proper customer experience. Cross-collaboration with internal teams. Competences: Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Very good negotiation skills. Time-management skills and ability to work under pressure. Teamwork and collaboration. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, Business Administration, or a related field. At least two years of experience in the travel industry and in customer service. Fluency in oral and written Greek and English. Knowledge of French, German or Italian will be considered an asset. Proficiency Knowledge of MS Office. About SKY express: We are the Greek multi-awarded airline for excellence and innovation in Europe, which is redefining the landscape of aviation. With Greece’s youngest fleet and the planned addition of two new AIRBUS A320 neo and four new ATR 72-600 in 2024, at SKY express we keep connecting people, businesses, and dreams wherever we fly. SKY express has been recognized with two prestigious ERA awards for its remarkable work in innovating and excelling in the aviation. More specifically SKY express has been awarded: • The ERA Airline Excellence Award 2023 • The ERA Innovation Airline Award 2023 At SKY express, we are on a mission to turn everyday flying into a modern, comfortable, and tailormade experience, that fits all our passengers’ needs. We can’t wait to have you on board on this new remarkable journey! Applicants’ personal data will be used for recruitment purposes only and applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Please note that only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
![SKY express - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/3c563d7d-6673-ac39-19d7-9d9afb87d5a1/i/172927d5-e811-44f1-b3c5-879fa2dbac98.jpg)
digital sales specialist
SKY express
SKY express is currently seeking for a results-focused junior professional, with a passion for driving digital sales to join our team in Athens as we seek to further grow and develop our online sales performance. Among our sales channels we have several digital sales generating channels including our website and OTAs. Our multi digital channel engagement allows us to significantly improve our commercial results, by utilizing data-driven and other features which lead into actionable insights thus specific revenue generating marketing actions, regardless the sales channel or engagement touchpoint.Key responsibilities: Assist in developing digital sales strategy & actions for assigned markets proposing and managing activities to drive flight and ancillary revenue generation Work with Marketing teams to ensure SKY express sales activity is supported appropriately (e.g. onsite content, SEO/SEM, social media marketing, email & affiliate marketing, digital display, other media) Identify new opportunities to grow the direct sales channel including, but not limited to, tactical sales campaigns, pricing initiatives, partner and/or closed user group offers. Initiate & manage activity with multiple stakeholders, managing and supporting all elements of the activity including relationships with internal/external parties as required. Regularly monitor sales campaign performance, sales KPIs and dashboards (based on revenues and targets) to identify areas of improvement, new initiatives and propose corrective actions. Understand online travel agent business models and key drivers to success within this sales channel. Liaise with local teams/OTA leads to ensure both distribution channels are working in complement to achieve sales targets. Ensure SKY express website for assigned region/markets (local language and English language) are refreshed with updated offer, policy and pricing content at all times, including preparing all-inclusive fare documents to brief internal Online Fares team for website fare displays. Skill set: Customer oriented Strong communication skills Attention to detail Ability to work under pressure Team player Problem solving Requirements: Bachelor’s degree Minimum of 2-3 years of experience within relevant field (Digital agency, OTA, e-commerce B2C) Ideally with airline industry background, if not at least with travel industry. Must be a self-starter who can prove an ability to operate in a challenging environment and with multi-cultural teams. Excellent command of the English language PC literacy Knowledge of any other language will be considered an asset. If you consider yourself an enthusiastic professional that wishes to become a part of the fastest-growing and greenest Greek airline, please send us your CV The personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only. Personal data of unsuccessful applications will be deleted. Please note that only candidates who meet the requirements of a relevant job description shall be contacted. Candidates who will be contacted, may be asked for further information as part of our screening process.
![efood - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/2de7d2b7-a3a2-df1b-8b41-7993e8a03cb1/i/69b1f018-deb1-4754-8d50-9912d8dc50d5.jpg)
cashier - χαλάνδρι (part time)
Το efood local, το νέο concept convenience store, μεγαλώνει και αναζητά Cashier για ημιασποσχόληση για το επόμενο κατάστημά του στο Χαλάνδρι. Τα καταστήματα efood local είναι στο δρόμο μας! Είναι εκεί για ένα καφέ - που τόσο θέλεις τώρα - και για αυτό το κάτι για το πρωινό που ξέχασες νωρίτερα να πάρεις ή τα ψιψιψόνια που θα χρειαστεί για την ταινία το βραδάκι. Είναι εκεί στη γειτονιά... και εσύ μαζί με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη της ομάδας - ως σωστοί local heroes -, κάνετε την κάθε επίσκεψη στο κατάστημα να ξεπερνά κάθε προσδοκία. Όσοι μας επισκέπτονται βρίσκουν εύκολα και γρήγορα αυτό που χρειάζονται και εμείς προσφέρουμε πάντα την εμπειρία που μόνο το efood μπορεί να προσφέρει. Ως Cashier καθημερινά: Εφαρμόζεις τις διαδικασίες του καταστήματος και επιτυγχάνεις τους στόχους απόδοσης Διεκπεραιώνεις ταμειακές συναλλαγές, διαχειρίζεσαι POS και διασφαλίζεις την ασφάλεια των χρημάτων Παραλαμβάνεις προϊόντα, ελέγχεις τιμολόγια και εξασφαλίζεις την επάρκεια αποθεμάτων με τη μέθοδο FEFO Προετοιμάζεις και ελέγχεις την ποιότητα των προϊόντων πριν την παράδοση στους πελάτες Εξυπηρετείς τους πελάτες, δημιουργώντας και την ευκαιρία ενημέρωσης τους για τα προϊόντα και τις προσφορές με ευχάριστη και ζεστή διάθεση Διατηρείς καθαριότητα και οργανώνεις τους χώρους ταμείου, παρασκευαστηρίου και ραφιών What you need to be successful Έχεις προηγούμενη εμπειρία σε αντίστοιχο ρόλο σε καταστήματα λιανικής ή καφεστίασης Επικοινωνείς ζεστά και φιλικά με τους επισκέπτες και την ομάδα σου Οργανώνεις το πόστο και τις εργασίες σου Εντοπίζεις και επιλύεις προβλήματα Συντηρείς και διαχειρίζεσαι τον εξοπλισμό του πόστου σου Ακολουθείς τους κανονισμούς λειτουργίας και εταιρικές πολιτικές Διαθέτεις πιστοποιητικό υγείας σε ισχύ (απαραίτητο) Who we are efood is the #1 delivery service in Greece, working with more than 21.000 stores in 100 cities. We offer our users the opportunity to order anything they desire, wherever they are, giving them the option to pay by cash or card.efood is much more than a great place to work: it is an entire working experience that has its own set of core values: We care, We deliver solutions, We always aim higher. These values shape a single culture across the organization, guiding the behavior of every efooder and contributing to the successful implementation of the company’s mission. efood is part of the Delivery Hero Group, the world’s leading local delivery platform operating in 70+ countries worldwide What's in it for you Μία μικρή, δεμένη και αποτελεσματική ομάδα καταστήματος Ευκαιρίες εξέλιξης εντός της ομάδας Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας σε βάρδιες Life @efood: At efood, no day is the same as the one before! efooders know that working and having a good time aren't the opposite and that’s why every day at efood is a new adventure! We always aim higher and we thrive in finding solutions to push our limits further! We care about our customers, our employees, our society. We seize every opportunity to celebrate achievements and milestones, but we also celebrate small things (like Fridays!) Every efooder is part of a fast-growing multinational company, with endless opportunities for professional growth and acquisition of new skills! We have an established, yet super creative and fun working environment, with talented and ambitious people whose ultimate goal is to maintain efood as the ideal workplace! Hungry enough to join us? efood collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you are a European Job Applicant see the privacy notice for further details.
![efood - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ](https://r2.jobily.gr/c/2de7d2b7-a3a2-df1b-8b41-7993e8a03cb1/i/69b1f018-deb1-4754-8d50-9912d8dc50d5.jpg)
field sales representative
Our team is looking for a Field Sales Representative to join our sales team, aiming to maintain and grow our customer base. The role will be based in Thessaloniki. Through your role, you will focus on identifying customer needs, and laying the foundation for a long-term collaboration. Your daily activities will include visits and regular communication with potential partners, aiming to integrate them into our partner network and the efood platform. As a member of the sales team, you will ensure various promotional activities for the restaurants on our platform and contribute to sales forecasting through out-of-the-box sales strategy development. Finally, achieving personal and team sales goals will be the result of your daily routine within our team. What you’ll do: Conduct market research to identify potential customers and and generate or follow through sales leads Evaluate customers' skills, needs and build productive long-lasting relationships Maintain and expand efood’s client database within your assigned territory Forecast sales, develop “out of the box” sales strategies/models and evaluate their effectiveness Meet personal and team sales targets Life @efood: At efood, no day is the same as the one before! efooders know that working and having a good time aren't the opposite and that’s why every day at efood is a new adventure! We always aim higher and we thrive in finding solutions to push our limits further! We care about our customers, our employees, our society. We seize every opportunity to celebrate achievements and milestones, but we also celebrate small things (like Fridays!) Every efooder is part of a fast-growing multinational company, with endless opportunities for professional growth and acquisition of new skills! We have an established, yet super creative and fun working environment, with talented and ambitious people whose ultimate goal is to maintain efood as the ideal workplace! Hungry enough to join us? What you need to be successful Proven sales experience; sector-specific sales experience is preferred Proficient in all Microsoft Office applications. Ability to deliver excellent client experience Outstanding negotiation and consultative sales skills Effective communication skills Business acumen with a problem-solving attitude Self-motivated and driven Nice to have: Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Management, Sales, or related field Understanding of marketing fundamentals Interest in topics related to business and/or technology Who we are efood is part of the Delivery Hero Group, the world’s pioneering local delivery platform, our mission is to deliver an amazing experience—fast, easy, and to your door. We operate in over 70+ countries worldwide. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Delivery Hero has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2017 and is part of the MDAX stock market index. What's in it for you We recognize good work and we want our people to feel appreciated! That’s why we offer an attractive remuneration package for what you bring in! We share a passion for food, so you will certainly appreciate the ticket restaurant card 💳 to spend in restaurants and/or food supplies. We are efooders after all! We take care of you with Private Medical & Life Insurance from day #1 to keep you healthy and safe! We want you to grow with us 🚀 ! And to help you keep improving, we provide you access to our online training platform where you can study 📖 topics for your personal and professional growth! Are you a cappuccino lover ☕? Do you desperately want a cookie? Our inhouse cafeteria got you covered! If you want to stay in shape 🏋️ , our in-house gym awaits you fully equipped! You can also join our remote fitness sessions and classes from the safety of your home! efood collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. If you are a European Job Applicant see the privacy notice for further details.
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