Θέσεις Εργασίας - Ελλάδα - Finance
(99 Αποτελέσματα)
store accountant (αεροδρόμιο)
STORE ACOUNTANT AES SA_140924 Αναφερόμενος στον Market Financial Controller and Business Navigator του καταστήματος, οι κύριες αρμοδιότητές σου είναι να: • Συμφωνία και παρακολούθηση των αγορών, πωλήσεων και πληρωμών της εταιρείας • Έλεγχος των λογιστικών εγγραφών και των λογιστικών βιβλίων ΦΠΑ • Παραγωγή των εβδομαδιαίων και μηνιαίων αναφορών παρακολούθησης και διαφόρων εκθέσεων ad hoc • Επικοινωνία με ελεγκτές, τράπεζες και άλλα εξωτερικά μέρη • Τήρηση βιβλίων και αρχειοθέτηση αναφορών «Z» • Αποστολή τιμολογίων στο Group Accounting σε προκαθορισμένα χρονικά διαστήματα και αρχειοθέτηση εκ δοθέντων τιμολογίων και πιστωτικών σημειώσεων • Λειτουργώντας πάντα ως πρότυπο, να είστε ευγενικοί και προσιτοί στους πελάτες και τους συναδέλφους σας Απαραίτητα προσόντα: • Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ, Λογιστική, Χρηματοοικονομική ή Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων • Πολύ καλή γνώση της αγγλικής γλώσσας • Πολύ καλή χρήση του MS Office (ειδικά του Excel) • Πολύ καλές επικοινωνιακές και διαπροσωπικές δεξιότητες • Πολύ καλές δεξιότητες προγραμματισμού, οργάνωσης και παρακολούθησης • Ομαδικό Πνεύμα • Αναλυτικές και αριθμητικές ικανότητες • Ικανότητα εργασίας υπό πίεση και αυστηρών προθεσμιών Επιθυμητά Προσόντα: • Γνώση Λιανικής Αγοράς • Τουλάχιστον 1 έτος εμπειρία σε αντίστοιχη θέση Εμείς προσφέρουμε: Tη δυνατότητα να εργαστείς σε ένα περιβάλλον μέσα στο οποίο μπορείς να μάθεις, να αναπτύσσεσαι και να έχεις σημαντικές ευκαιρίες εξέλιξης. Μια ανοιχτή κουλτούρα όπου μπορείς να είσαι ο εαυτός σου και μια ποικιλόμορφη ομάδα ανθρώπων που χαίρονται να δουλεύουν μαζί. Επιπλέον προσφέρουμε ιδιωτική ιατρική ασφάλιση, καλυψη εξόδων μετακίνησης μέσω διοδίων ή μέσω χρήσης κάρτας μετακίνησης για τα ΜΜΜ και επιπρόσθετες παροχές. Η ΙΚΕΑ είναι η μεγαλύτερη εταιρία στον κόσμο σε πωλήσεις επίπλων και ειδών οικιακού εξοπλισμού με 433 καταστήματα σε πάνω από 50 χώρες και με όραμα τη δημιουργία μιας καλύτερης καθημερινής ζωής για τους πολλούς του κόσμου. Η ΙΚΕΑ ξεκίνησε το 2000 τις δραστηριότητές της μέσω του Ομίλου FOURLIS και σήμερα, λειτουργούν 5 καταστήματα στην Ελλάδα (Αθήνα, Θεσσαλονίκη, Λάρισα, Ιωάννινα) καθώς και 2 καταστήματα «νέας γενιάς» 1 στον Πειραιά & 1 στο Mall Athens Μαρούσι , 1 κατάστημα στην Κύπρο (Λευκωσία) και 2 στην Βουλγαρία (Σόφια, Βάρνα). Επίσης λειτουργούν 8 Κέντρα Παραγγελιών & Παραλαβών (Ρόδος, Πάτρα, Χανιά, Ηράκλειο, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Καλαμάτα, Μπουργκάς & Πλόβντιφ Βουλγαρίας) και 1 Planning Studio στην Κύπρο (Λεμεσός).
credit control officer
Saracakis Group of Companies
ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΟΣ ΠΙΣΤΩΤΙΚΟΥ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΥ Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες: · Διαχείριση εμβασμάτων τραπεζών (web, καταχώρηση ανά τράπεζα – εταιρεία- πελάτη, συμφωνία με κεντρικό λογιστήριο, τακτοποιητικές κινήσεις/μεταφορές, διορθώσεις και συμφωνία προηγουμένων μηνών). · Παρακολούθηση εισπράξεων - εγγραφές σε πελάτες. · Διαχείριση χαρτοφυλακίου εισπρακτέων επιταγών, πινάκιο σε τράπεζα. · Διαχείριση συγκεντρωτικών καταστάσεων επιταγών στο κλείσιμο ημέρας και αντίστοιχος έλεγχος. · Διαχείριση εξοφλητικών αποδείξεων. · Τηλεφωνικές οχλήσεις για εισπράξεις. · Back office εργασίες (τηλεφωνήματα, διαβίβαση μηνυμάτων, επιστολές, αλληλογραφία, πρωτόκολλό, υπογραφές, καταχωρήσεις, κ.ά.) · Παραλαβή επιταγών. · Εβδομαδιαίο reporting επιταγών στον Οικονομικό Διευθυντή της εταιρείας. · Διαχείριση επιστολών ειδοποίησης εισπράξεων . · Εκτυπώσεις τιμολογίων, back up support πάγκου λιανικών πωλήσεων. · Διαχείριση ανοιχτών υπολοίπων - οpen items. · Άρση παρακράτησης (παραλαβή αιτημάτων επί τόπου και μέσω δικτύου και καταστημάτων, παροχή οδηγίων, έλεγχος υπολοίπων, σύνταξη εγγράφων, καταχώρηση και ενημέρωση αρχείου, αποστολή σε πελάτες και υποκαταστήματα, συνεργασία με συμβολαιογράφους). · Παροχή στοιχείων, πρόβλεψη για cash flow (επιταγές και ανοιχτά υπόλοιπα). Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: · Απόφοιτος Α.Ε.Ι./ Τ.Ε.Ι. Οικονομικής ή Λογιστικής κατεύθυνσης. · Προϋπηρεσία έως 2 χρόνια σε αντίστοιχη θέση Πιστωτικού ελέγχου · Πελατοκεντρική αντίληψη, εργατικότητα, ομαδικό πνεύμα, συνέπεια και εστίαση στο αποτέλεσμα. · Πολύ καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας. · Εξαιρετική γνώση MS Office με ανεπτυγμένες δεξιότητες σε Excel/Word · Επιθυμητή η προϋπηρεσία και η γνώση συστήματος ERP. · Εκπληρωμένες στρατιωτικές υποχρεώσεις (για τους άνδρες υποψηφίους). · O Όμιλος προσφέρει: · Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών βασισμένο στα προσόντα του υποψηφίου. · Ευκαιρίες βελτίωσης και εκπαίδευσης, μέσω επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων. · Προοπτικές εξέλιξης και δυνατότητες ανάπτυξης σε ένα άριστο εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Για όλες τις αιτήσεις θα τηρηθεί απόλυτη εχεμύθεια.
o2c cash application team leader
Pfizer Hellas
Δ. Πυλαίας - Χορτιάτη
The Order to Cash Team Lead will form part of a virtual global O2C Cash Application team reporting under O2C Cash Application Manager. The successful candidate will be responsible for the day-to-day performance of the team in effectively and efficiently executing activities such as payment investigation and payment application. Successful completion of these activities will ensure that GBS continue to support the achievement of working capital objectives and Leadership amongst other key stakeholders will have access to timely, accurate, and complete Order to Cash information. The successful candidate will receive the benefit of working for a stable and very well-established international corporation with a sonorous name and highly established organizational culture. All our colleagues become an important part of our international, friendly and dynamic team. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES These responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: Responsible for the successful execution of day-to day operations ensuring activities such as remittance retrieval, payment investigation and payment application are performed to a high standard of operational excellence, established service level agreements are met, and adhering to defined GBS process and control requirements. Right size and manage workload across team members. Effectively communicate to team members and management with regards to work tasks and deadlines. Ensure the appropriate oversight and measurement of activities through standard operational performance reporting to ensure identified performance targets including internal and external benchmarks are achieved, identifying recommendations for action and improvement. Ensure escalations are managed and resolved in a timely manner ensuring appropriate management oversight where necessary. Proactively ensure hand-offs to supporting teams are timely and clearly communicated as part of a virtual global Cash Application team i.e. Other regional hubs for Collections, Cash application, Credit Risk COE, G2N etc. Manage the BPO relationship with Genpact to ensure a high standard of operational performance across supported markets and alignment with process objectives and strategy. Ensure work instructions, training documentation and other process related documents are maintained and updated in a timely manner. Support the delivery of E2E value realization initiatives including the optimization of credit risk processes through standardization, process improvement and technology. Provide support to Management in the execution of day-to-day operations and delegated activities. Manages the performance and development of colleagues to build a high performing and engaged team. Provide direction, training, and motivation necessary to secure their optimum commitment, competence and engagement. Coach and develop team members on technical and business issues, ensuring effective and efficient use of resources and competencies, strengthening the team’s credibility as business partner. Participate in GBS Order-to-Cash global initiatives including transformational projects as needed, as a subject matter expert for the area. Support management in cultivating a strong GBS culture based on core Pfizer values, talent management and talent development across all O2C colleagues based within their own regional hub location, both direct and indirect reports. Ensure strong commitment to the control environment through training and review to meet all control and compliance requirements including the support of periodic PC control performance and internal/external audit. QUALIFICATIONS Education and Experience Minimum of a a Bachelor's Degree, Finance or Economics or Accounting preferred Minimum 3 years experience in Accounts Receivable and/or other order to cash related experience required. Demonstrated experience in managing teams and team performance including objective setting, colleague development, S1/S2 performance reviews and talent planning. Ability to lead and motivate others without express authority Demonstrated ability to grow and develop colleagues. Demonstrated self-starter with the ability to manage projects, set objectives, and execute work plans. English language requirement to support effective engagement with Customers and colleagues/business partners as needed. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Business English language skills (written and verbal) required Strong business acumen and professionalism with the ability to interface effectively with all levels of management and operations colleagues in all applicable Pfizer Finance and business functional areas Experience with financial shared services preferred. Technical Skills Requirements Proficiency in PC skills (MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Teams) required. SAP ERP system experience and High Radius preferred. Strong understanding of O2C control performance and related SOP’s. Please apply by sending your CV and a motivational letter in English Purpose Breakthroughs that change patients' lives... At Pfizer we are a patient centric company, guided by our four values: courage, joy, equity and excellence. Our breakthrough culture lends itself to our dedication to transforming millions of lives. Digital Transformation Strategy One bold way we are achieving our purpose is through our company wide digital transformation strategy. We are leading the way in adopting new data, modelling and automated solutions to further digitize and accelerate drug discovery and development with the aim of enhancing health outcomes and the patient experience. Flexibility We aim to create a trusting, flexible workplace culture which encourages employees to achieve work life harmony, attracts talent and enables everyone to be their best working self. Let’s start the conversation! Equal Employment Opportunity We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to building a successful business. As an employer, Pfizer is committed to celebrating this, in all its forms – allowing for us to be as diverse as the patients and communities we serve. Together, we continue to build a culture that encourages, supports and empowers our employees. Disability Inclusion Our mission is unleashing the power of all our people and we are proud to be a disability inclusive employer, ensuring equal employment opportunities for all candidates. We encourage you to put your best self forward with the knowledge and trust that we will make any reasonable adjustments to support your application and future career. Your journey with Pfizer starts here! Finance & Accounting
emea meet operations analyst (english language)
Pfizer Hellas
Δ. Πυλαίας - Χορτιάτη
The Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Meetings, External Engagements, & Travel (MEET) Analyst position is responsible for processing MAPP (My Anti-Corruption Processes and Policies) transactions through the receipt, processing, and post completion quality and compliance checks. This Analyst will demonstrate accountability and integrity in the face of challenge and respond to change with agility, optimism, and innovation. They will collaborate cross-functionally as appropriate. This role will be based in Thessaloniki, Greece and work with the payments team, regional sourcing team, and other COEs as appropriate. The Analyst will report directly to the EMEA MEET Operations Manager. Receive, review and document all transactions coming into the Service Center Closely monitor any Meeting Planning Agencies (MPAs) assigned to transaction, ensuring that the logistics actions for the events are completed in accordance with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and to the quality expected from Pfizer Ensure assigned My Anti-Corruption Processes and Policies (MAPP) transactions are compliant with MAPP policy, Country Annex, Country Profile, MEET Standards and are properly documented across MEET systems. Detailed review / submission of all MEET data/submissions to ensure accuracy Responsible for completing compliance check list of compliance activities Ensure that contracts and letters for MEET transactions are reviewed and signed appropriately Create and execute healthcare contracts for external healthcare professionals, ensuring fair market value is accurate (per FMV calculator) and the healthcare provider (HCP) is qualified (CV review) Work with market colleagues or business leaders to identify MAPP / HCP related transaction and support field force as needed with applicable meetings Work with Business to resolve any errors, issues, or rejections resulting from transaction review Perform exception remediation as needed Collect audit support and documentation review for transaction Post-event reconcile budget / plan to outcome Complete other close-out activities as needed Support payment and processing activities as needed including getting account info, vendor maintenance, meeting PO, card management, down payments, and individual logistics payments BASIC QUALIFICATIONS Minimum of bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, or a related discipline Up to 2 years of experience in compliance, and customer focused operations with significant volumes and risk (incl. audit and/or finance experience) Fluency in English is a must; additional languages preferred Proficiency in PC skills (MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint) required Ability to balance demand from multiple stakeholders Good organizational skills to coordinate and manage multiple priorities Strong written and verbal communication skills enabling effective communication with all levels of management Strong technical skills in managing transactions within a global system Strong customer service skills and mindset Understanding of compliance/financial controls Strength with multitasking and ensuring accurate detail Ability to work under pressure and to handle several projects at once High level of self-motivation, energy and flexibility Strong interpersonal and organizational skills Highly focused on customer service PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Experience with accounting or compliance/audit transactions, preferably in a shared service with strong compliance controls Previous experience with pharmaceutical companies Experience with Foreign Corrupt Practices Act transactions preferred Strong compliance experience and financial or audit controls background. Understanding of MAPP Policy terms and healthcare compliance policies SAP / Ariba experience preferred Demonstrated ability to work as a team: the ability to influence and collaborate with peers to achieve meaningful outcomes and create business impact Comfort with ambiguity, anticipates changes, and influences direction of innovative operational strategies Please apply by sending your CV and a motivational letter in English Purpose Breakthroughs that change patients' lives... At Pfizer we are a patient centric company, guided by our four values: courage, joy, equity and excellence. Our breakthrough culture lends itself to our dedication to transforming millions of lives. Digital Transformation Strategy One bold way we are achieving our purpose is through our company wide digital transformation strategy. We are leading the way in adopting new data, modelling and automated solutions to further digitize and accelerate drug discovery and development with the aim of enhancing health outcomes and the patient experience. Flexibility We aim to create a trusting, flexible workplace culture which encourages employees to achieve work life harmony, attracts talent and enables everyone to be their best working self. Let’s start the conversation! Equal Employment Opportunity We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to building a successful business. As an employer, Pfizer is committed to celebrating this, in all its forms – allowing for us to be as diverse as the patients and communities we serve. Together, we continue to build a culture that encourages, supports and empowers our employees. Disability Inclusion Our mission is unleashing the power of all our people and we are proud to be a disability inclusive employer, ensuring equal employment opportunities for all candidates. We encourage you to put your best self forward with the knowledge and trust that we will make any reasonable adjustments to support your application and future career. Your journey with Pfizer starts here! Finance & Accounting
order to cash analyst - turkish - 12 months fixed term
Pfizer Hellas
Δ. Πυλαίας - Χορτιάτη
The Order to Cash Analyst will form part of a virtual global O2C Collections team reporting under the Global O2C Collections Director, Jennifer Strecker. The successful candidate will be responsible for the performance of activities such as Customer Collections and dunning, customer account management, query and dispute management. Completion of these activities will ensure that F&GBS continue to support the achievement of working capital objectives and Leadership amongst other key stakeholders will have access to timely, accurate, and complete Order to Cash information. The successful candidate will receive the benefit of working for a stable and very well-established international corporation with a sonorous name and highly established organizational culture. All our colleagues become an important part of our international, friendly and dynamic team. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES These responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: Proactively analyze AR falling due and delinquent account balances to ensure timely collection of 3rd party receivables. Timely execution of customer dunning activities (e.g. outbound calls, emails, letters, etc.) Coordinate customer account resolution with internal parties and execute on agreed collection strategies. Timely resolution of inbound billing inquiries (call, emails, letters, etc.,) with respective parties. Maintenance of subledger. Process adjustments/write off balances (non-ADA: FX, bank charges, residuals, etc.), manage default accounts (US only) and provide guidance to Cash application on offsets and payment application where required. Refund issuance (review, obtain approvals, and confirm). Contribute to AR KPI reporting & analysis on performance of AR ledger. Research and support resolution of open disputes. Coordinate with relevant internal stakeholders and customer to support timely close-out of open disputes. Effectively communicate to peers and management with regards to work tasks and deadlines. Manage and resolve escalations in a timely manner ensuring appropriate management oversight where necessary. Manage time effectively and communicate to peers and management with regards to work tasks, status and deadlines. Proactively ensure hand-offs to supporting teams are timely and clearly communicated as part of a virtual global Collections team i.e. Other regional hubs for Collections, Cash application, Credit Risk COE, G2N etc. Maintain receipt records, files and documentation in an organized manner. Share audit documentation to support periodic SAP PC control performance and internal/external audit programs. Participate in GBS Order-to-Cash global initiatives including transformational projects as needed, as a subject matter expert for the area. Ensure strong commitment to the control environment through training and review to meet all control and compliance requirements. Qualifications Education and Experience Minimum of a Bachelor's Degree, Finance or Economics or Accounting preferred. Up to 2 years experience in Accounts receivable and/or broader Order to Cash function required Business English and Turkish Language requirements to support effective engagement with Customers and colleagues/business partners as needed (fluent/native verbal and written Turkish language skills required). Ability to work in a high-performing team environment. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to communicate with diverse groups and individuals. Demonstrated ability to work on own initiative. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Experience of working in cross-functional and multi-cultural team an advantage. Strong business acumen and professionalism with the ability to interface effectively with all levels of management and operations colleagues in all applicable Pfizer Finance and business functional areas Experience with financial shared services preferred. Technical Skills Requirements Proficiency in PC skills (MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Teams) required SAP ERP system experience preferred including FSCM Collections, Dispute Mgt and S4 Hana. Please apply by sending your CV and a motivational letter in English Purpose Breakthroughs that change patients' lives... At Pfizer we are a patient centric company, guided by our four values: courage, joy, equity and excellence. Our breakthrough culture lends itself to our dedication to transforming millions of lives. Digital Transformation Strategy One bold way we are achieving our purpose is through our company wide digital transformation strategy. We are leading the way in adopting new data, modelling and automated solutions to further digitize and accelerate drug discovery and development with the aim of enhancing health outcomes and the patient experience. Flexibility We aim to create a trusting, flexible workplace culture which encourages employees to achieve work life harmony, attracts talent and enables everyone to be their best working self. Let’s start the conversation! Equal Employment Opportunity We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to building a successful business. As an employer, Pfizer is committed to celebrating this, in all its forms – allowing for us to be as diverse as the patients and communities we serve. Together, we continue to build a culture that encourages, supports and empowers our employees. Disability Inclusion Our mission is unleashing the power of all our people and we are proud to be a disability inclusive employer, ensuring equal employment opportunities for all candidates. We encourage you to put your best self forward with the knowledge and trust that we will make any reasonable adjustments to support your application and future career. Your journey with Pfizer starts here! Finance & Accounting
senior payroll manager
Pfizer Hellas
Δ. Πυλαίας - Χορτιάτη
The Payroll Manager leads payroll operations for assigned country cluster in Regional Shared Service Payroll Hub. Develops procedures and supervises the preparation, documentation and disbursement of colleague payroll payments and payroll taxes. Prepares and consolidates reports for stakeholders, analyzes and addresses audit findings, reconciles and resolves complex payroll processing and colleague payroll issues. Ensures payroll reporting and payments are compliant with company policy, generally accepted accounting principles, and applicable government regulations. Leads a team of 15-20 colleagues and performs end to end people management responsibilities. Works with vendors and Payroll Vendor Governance team to ensure SLA’s and quality metrics are met. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES Oversees the cluster payroll processing workstream and team member(s). Ensures country work instructions for their cluster of countries are up-to-date, payroll controls are executed on time and as per standards, back ups are trained and active. Performs end to end people management activities: Colleague recruitment, onboarding, training and development, performance management and team quality, according to Pfizer’s Purpose and Values. May be responsible for regular execution or back-up of an assigned payroll depending on the requirements of the cluster. This includes collection and validation of inputs and error resolution, communication of payroll kick off and approval processing milestones, validation and balancing payroll, and processing changes to correct errors or provide updates. Act as an escalation point of contact for payroll processing, when needed with ability to resolve escalated issues and problems quickly and independently with both internal and external stakeholders, and third-party vendors Ensure the regional payroll processing workstream follows company policies, regional regulatory requirements, and the global payroll strategy. Review and certify payroll signoffs as required. Work with the payroll vendors to ensure pay disbursements, tax deposits, and tax filings are completed accurately and timely. Gather payroll processing feedback and provide information and insight to Payroll Vendor Management. Assess technology requirements and changes and ensure that systematic updates are completed by the vendor in a timely and complete manner. Ensure all regulatory requirements and updates for the cluster are performed and completed as required. Identify opportunities for and implement continuous improvement and transformational projects. Promote Pfizer purpose, values and goals with proactive team management, and ensure strong team engagement, as measured by Pulse surveys and PLI evaluations and goal achievement. Hybrid working schedule BASIC QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting, Human Resources or related field required 7+ years experience in payroll, including management of a team In-depth knowledge and experience of payroll calculation and processing Experience managing a team in a clustered payroll or global business service center Ability to maintain privacy and confidentiality Fluent English (written, oral, and speaking) PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Master’s degree in business or related field preferred Experience with Workday, ADP, or other common HCM, payroll and time/attendance systems preferred Certified Payroll Professional, or similar professional designation preferred Attention to detail and accuracy Problem analysis and problem-solving skills Data analysis and complex calculations Knowledge of UK, Irish payroll preferred Knowledge on other major European markets’ payroll preferred Good Knowledge on German language preferred Please apply by sending your CV and a motivational letter in English. Purpose Breakthroughs that change patients' lives... At Pfizer we are a patient centric company, guided by our four values: courage, joy, equity and excellence. Our breakthrough culture lends itself to our dedication to transforming millions of lives. Digital Transformation Strategy One bold way we are achieving our purpose is through our company wide digital transformation strategy. We are leading the way in adopting new data, modelling and automated solutions to further digitize and accelerate drug discovery and development with the aim of enhancing health outcomes and the patient experience. Flexibility We aim to create a trusting, flexible workplace culture which encourages employees to achieve work life harmony, attracts talent and enables everyone to be their best working self. Let’s start the conversation! Equal Employment Opportunity We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to building a successful business. As an employer, Pfizer is committed to celebrating this, in all its forms – allowing for us to be as diverse as the patients and communities we serve. Together, we continue to build a culture that encourages, supports and empowers our employees. Disability Inclusion Our mission is unleashing the power of all our people and we are proud to be a disability inclusive employer, ensuring equal employment opportunities for all candidates. We encourage you to put your best self forward with the knowledge and trust that we will make any reasonable adjustments to support your application and future career. Your journey with Pfizer starts here! People Experience
assistant financial controller
Duties and responsibilities Assist in the preparation of budgets and forecasts. Assist in the monitoring of the budget and Business Plan’s execution. Assist in tracking actuals vs budget and analyzing variances. Help in development of reports for management or external stakeholders. Assist in the preparation of the planning of suppliers’ payments. Interface between Unit and accounting for all relevant issues Review the company’s accounting information to identify and resolve inaccuracies or imbalances. Participation in any ad-hoc finance projects Qualifications & Requirements Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance. 2-3 years’ experience in a similar role. Excellent working knowledge of MS Office, especially Excel. Excellent command of the Greek and English Languages both written and oral. Knowledge of Greek Accounting Standards and Management Accounting principles. Excellent Communication skills Ability to work independently. Benefits: Competitive Compensation & Benefits package Continuous training and participation in development activities Group health and life insurance program Career development opportunities in a fast-growing Group INTRAKAT Group is a leading player in the country’s construction sector and delivers high-end services from an integrated portfolio of business activities, including Infrastructure Public Projects, PPPs – Concessions, RES, environmental and digital “smart cities” projects, and Real Estate development projects. We are working together, committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, where our highly collaborative team can thrive! Social Impact footprint: We contribute to Greece's green transition! We support Greek suppliers! We achieve near-total recycling. We recycled equivalent to 96.7% of Construction, Demolition, and Excavation Waste. We operate responsibly! We value your privacy. All personal data provided in your application and CV will be kept completely confidential. Join our community and let’s build your future together!
υπάλληλος λογιστηρίου
Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες: Καταχώρηση παραστατικών Δαπανών και Παγίων Διαχείριση και καταχώρηση εξοδολογίων Επικοινωνία και συμφωνία καρτέλας προμηθευτή Έλεγχος πληρωμών προμηθευτών Παρακολούθηση και συμφωνία λογαριασμών Γενικής Λογιστικής Διαχείριση ηλεκτρονικών βιβλίων MYDATA Προετοιμασία προβλέψεων κατά IFRS Βοήθεια στην σύνταξη χρηματοοικονομικών αναφορών Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ / ΑΤΕΙ Λογιστικής/Οικονομικής Κατεύθυνσης Τουλάχιστον 4ετή εμπειρία σε ανάλογη θέση Καλή γνώση αγγλικής γλώσσας (γραπτός και προφορικός λόγος) Άριστη γνώση Microsoft Office Άριστες επικοινωνιακές και οργανωτικές ικανότητες Επιθυμητή γνώση SAP Προσφέρουμε: Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών Εργασία σε ένα σύγχρονο, δυναμικό & πολύ-βραβευμένο περιβάλλον (βράβευση για 10η φορά στο θεσμό Best Workplace) Δυνατότητες & προοπτικές για μάθηση & εξέλιξη ΑΙΤΗΣΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ
υπάλληλος λογιστηρίου
Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες: Καταχώρηση παραστατικών αγορών εμπορευμάτων και εισαγωγών Καταχώριση εκτελωνιστικών εξόδων και προετοιμασία φακέλων εισαγωγών για κοστολόγηση Επικοινωνία και συμφωνία καρτέλας προμηθευτή Έλεγχος πληρωμών προμηθευτών Προετοιμασία INTRASTAT και VIES Διαχείριση ηλεκτρονικών βιβλίων MYDATA για αγορές εμπορευμάτων Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ / ΑΤΕΙ Λογιστικής/Οικονομικής Κατεύθυνσης Τουλάχιστον 2ετή εμπειρία σε ανάλογη θέση Καλή γνώση αγγλικής γλώσσας (γραπτός και προφορικός λόγος) Άριστη γνώση Microsoft Office Άριστες επικοινωνιακές και οργανωτικές ικανότητες Επιθυμητή γνώση SAP Προσφέρουμε: Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών Εργασία σε ένα σύγχρονο, δυναμικό & πολύ-βραβευμένο περιβάλλον (βράβευση για 1η φορά στο θεσμό Best Workplace) Δυνατότητες & προοπτικές για μάθηση & εξέλιξη Δυνατότητα μετακίνησης στα γραφεία με εταιρικό λεωφορείο ΑΙΤΗΣΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ