Θέσεις Εργασίας - Ελλάδα - Other
(176 Αποτελέσματα)

collection administrator
We are currently looking for Collection Administrator to join our Operations Team part of our M Energy Customer Solution Division in our Paiania Offices. By Joining This Role, You'll Play a crucial role in supporting portfolio evaluations, processing disconnection requests, and handling customer inquiries to ensure efficient collections management and customer satisfaction. Υour Role Will Encompass: Portfolio evaluation to be assigned to external collaborators and systemic implementation after the approval of the Collection Supervisor Supporting external collaborators with daily payments and settlement updated lists Reviewing and approving settlement requests according to company procedures Updating information systems, relevant departments, and customers Evaluating quality criteria in addition to standard quantity criteria for temporary disconnection of electricity and natural gas supply and cessation of supply Processing requests for temporary disconnection and cessation of supply on administrators’ electronic platforms Implementing after approval of the Collection Supervisor with information system update Preparing and sending information letters to clients Preparation of files for legal actions and registration of payment orders in the system Handling customer inquiries and concerns related to collection and interacting with other departments such as Customer Care, Sales, and Shops Participating in User Acceptance Tests for system upgrades or new technologies What You Bring to the Role: High school diploma or equivalent, with relevant coursework in Finance, Business, or a related field being advantageous Prior experience in administrative roles, customer service, or collections support Proficient in English, both written and verbal Computer literacy Proficiency in MS Office Strong organizational skills Attention to detail Excellent communication and negotiation skills Problem-solving abilities Adaptability Critical thinking skills Your Benefits: Competitive remuneration package Ticket Restaurant Card Group Health Insurance program Protergia discount on electricity and natural gas bill Pension Plan

βοηθός τεχνικού ασφαλείας (h&s assistant)
Αυτήν τη στιγμή αναζητούμε Βοηθό Τεχνικού Ασφαλείας στο Ενεργειακό Κέντρο Αγίου Νικολάου, στην Παραλία Διστόμου Βοιωτίας. Εντασσόμενος/η σε αυτόν τον ρόλο, θα βρεθείτε στην πρώτη γραμμή της προαγωγής της Ασφάλειας και Υγείας στο Ενεργειακό Κέντρο Αγίου Νικολάου. Θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να συνεισφέρετε στη δημιουργία και εφαρμογή μέτρων ασφαλείας, να επιθεωρήσετε τις εργασιακές συνθήκες και να προτείνετε μέτρα αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων. Παράλληλα, θα συμμετέχετε στη διερεύνηση και αξιολόγηση εργατικών ατυχημάτων, συμβάλλοντας στην αποτροπή μελλοντικών κινδύνων. Η συνεργασία σας με τον Τεχνικό Ασφαλείας και η εκπαίδευση των εργαζομένων σε θέματα υγείας και ασφάλειας θα διασφαλίσουν τη συμμόρφωση με τα πρότυπα ασφάλειας και νομοθεσίας, εξασφαλίζοντας ένα ασφαλές και αποτελεσματικό εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες: Πρόταση μέτρων ασφάλειας εγκαταστάσεων και τεχνικών μέσων. Επιθεώρηση εργασιακών συνθηκών και πρόταση μέτρων αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων. Συμμετοχή στη διερεύνηση, καταγραφή και αξιολόγηση εργατικών ατυχημάτων ή συμβάντων και πρόταση μέτρων αποτροπής. Συμμετοχή στην προετοιμασία, εκτέλεση και εποπτεία ασκήσεων πυρασφάλειας και συναγερμού για διαπίστωση ετοιμότητας των εργαζομένων. Προτροπή στους εργαζόμενους για την τήρηση μέτρων υγιεινής και ασφάλειας εργασίας. Εκπαίδευση εργαζομένων σε θέματα υγιεινής και ασφάλειας εργασίας. Παρακολούθηση απαιτήσεων νομοθεσίας (Εθνικής και Κοινοτικής) για θέματα υγείας και ασφάλειας στην εργασία. Πρόταση ορθής σήμανσης χώρων εργασίας. Συμμετοχή σε μετρήσεις φυσικών, χημικών και βιολογικών παραγόντων. Συνεργασία με τον Τεχνικό Ασφαλείας στην εκπόνηση Σχεδίων Αντιμετώπισης Έκτακτων Αναγκών. Αντικατάσταση του Τεχνικού Ασφαλείας κατά την απουσία του. Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής με ειδίκευση Μηχανολόγου Μηχανικού, Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού ή Μηχανικού Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης. Εμπειρία 1-3 ετών σε Βιομηχανική Επιχείρηση. Εμπειρία σε Θερμικούς Σταθμούς Παραγωγής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας θα εκτιμηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν. Γνώση των νομικών και κανονιστικών πλαισίων σχετικά με την υγεία και ασφάλεια στην εργασία. Πολύ καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας. Καλή χρήση των εφαρμογών MS Office. Ικανότητα επικοινωνίας και συνεργασίας με τους εργαζομένους και άλλα μέλη της ομάδας. Οργανωτικές ικανότητες. Παροχές: Προνομιακό οικιακό τιμολόγιο Ηλεκτρικού Ρεύματος & Φυσικού Αερίου. Ιδιωτική Ασφάλιση Ζωής & Υγείας. Πρόγραμμα Συνταξιοδότησης. Διατακτικές Σίτισης. Βοήθημα ενοικίου (βάσει εταιρικής πολιτικής).

material planner
Arivia S.A.
Στην Arivia S.A. member of Flora Food Group, αναζητούμε μία/έναν Material Planner. Περιγραφή εργασίας Αναζητούμε μία/έναν Material Planner για τη διαχείριση των αποθεμάτων και τη διασφάλιση ότι οι υλικοί πόροι είναι σε ευθυγράμμιση με τα χρονοδιαγράμματα παραγωγής. Οι αρμοδιότητες της/του Material Planner περιλαμβάνουν τον καθορισμό των προδιαγραφών υλικών, τη δημιουργία και τη διατήρηση χρονοδιαγραμμάτων απογραφής, τον συντονισμό με εσωτερικά τμήματα και τη διαχείριση εξωτερικών σχέσεων με τους ενδιαφερόμενους. Μία/Ένας επιτυχημένη/ος Material Planner θα πρέπει να είναι σε θέση να εξασφαλίσει την κατάλληλη προμήθεια οικονομικά αποδοτικών και υψηλής ποιότητας υλικών που απαιτούνται για τη διατήρηση σταθερής παραγωγής και παράδοσης προϊόντων. Κύριες Αρμοδιότητες και Καθήκοντα: Προσδιορισμός των απαιτούμενων υλικών και δημιουργία παραγγελιών αγοράς Εξασφάλιση της συνεπούς και επαρκούς προμήθειας υλικών απαραίτητων για την παραγωγή Συντονισμός με άλλα τμήματα σχετικά με τους στόχους παραγωγής, τα χρονοδιαγράμματα κ.λπ. Προγραμματισμός και επίβλεψη της προμήθειας και παράδοσης υλικών και προϊόντων Επικοινωνία με πελάτες, προμηθευτές και διανομείς Διαχείριση ζητημάτων αποθέματος, αλλαγών χρονοδιαγράμματος και ακυρώσεων Προετοιμασία εκτιμήσεων κόστους και εκθέσεων απόδοσης Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ σε Οικονομικά, Διοίκηση Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας, τη Διαχείριση Αποθεμάτων ή έναν σχετικό τομέα Ισχυρές δεξιότητες οργάνωσης και διαχείρισης χρόνου Γνώση διαδικασιών παραγωγής και διαχείρισης εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας (τουλάχιστον 2 έτη προϋπηρεσίας) Καλές δεξιότητες επικοινωνίας στα αγγλικά, τόσο προφορικές όσο και γραπτές Άριστη γνώση Microsoft excel και Power Point Η γνώση SAP θα εκτιμηθεί ιδιαίτερα Ισχυρές δεξιότητες ανάλυσης και επίλυσης προβλημάτων Αίτηση

πρακτική άσκηση
Arivia S.A.
Η Arivia S.A., ιδιοκτήτρια της μάρκας Violife, μέλος της Upfield, είναι η κορυφαία εταιρεία vegan τυριών στον κόσμο και ο κύριος ιδιοκτήτης φυτικών γαλακτοκομικών προϊόντων και προϊόντων χωρίς γαλακτοκομικά, με εξαγωγές σε 60 και πλέον χώρες παγκοσμίως. Επιθυμείτε να γίνετε μέλος μιας ταχέως αναπτυσσόμενης εταιρείας; Συμμερίζεστε τη βαθιά μας πεποίθηση ότι η διατροφή με βάση τα φυτά είναι το μέλλον; Βλέπετε ενδεχομένως αυτή την κενή θέση ως μια ευκαιρία να αναπτύξετε την καριέρα σας σε έναν κορυφαίο παγκόσμιο οργανισμό;

visual merchandiser | massimo dutti athens
Massimo Dutti
Αναζητάμε τον επόμενο Εσωτερικό Διακοσμητή για τα καταστήματα της Massimo Dutti στην Αττική. ΤΙ ΨΑΧΝΟΥΜΕ Πάθος, κίνητρο και δυναμική Προσοχή στη λεπτομέρεια και δημιουργικότητα Ικανότητα ανάλυσης και οργάνωσης Αγάπη για τη μόδα και γνώση των νέων τάσεων Ευελιξία ωραρίων ΑΡΜΟΔΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ Ως Εσωτερικός Διακοσμητής για τη Massimo Dutti θα έχεις στην ευθύνη σου : Το στήσιμο του καταστήματος σύμφωνα με τα trends και τις προδιαγραφές της εταιρείας Την παρακολούθηση αναπλήρωσης προϊόντων και τη διατήρηση υψηλών προτύπων Την ανάλυση πωλήσεων και του ανταγωνισμού Θα υποστηρίζεις σε άλλες λειτουργίες του καταστήματος όταν απαιτείται ΑΠΑΙΤΟΥΜΕΝΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ Εμπειρία σε κατάστημα λιανικής πώλησης σε υπεύθυνη θέση (οργάνωση ομάδας, εμπορική διαχείριση και εξυπηρέτηση πελατών). Επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες Καλή γνώση Αγγλικών Ικανότητα ηγεσίας, εκπαίδευσης και ανάπτυξης μιας ομάδας Διαθεσιμότητα για πλήρη απασχόληση και δυνατότητα μετακόμισης στην Αθήνα ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ Ανταγωνιστικός μισθός, 25% έκπτωση για τις αγορές σου σε όλες τις αλυσίδες του Ομίλου Σύμβαση πλήρους απασχόλησης (40 ώρες/εβδομάδα) Προγράμματα διαρκούς εκπαίδευσης και ευκαιρίες εσωτερικής εξέλιξης Φαντάζεσαι τον εαυτό σου στην ομάδα μας; Αν ναι, δήλωσε ενδιαφέρον σήμερα! **Η Ομάδα Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού θα επεξεργαστεί την αίτησή σου και σε περίπτωση που πληροί τα κριτήρια θα επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σου.

sustainability & productivity manager
Άγιος Στέφανος
General Establish PEP+ in the organization with clear KPIs and deliverables Drive engagement in the Organization for PEP+ and support DRS Work closely with relevant functions to identify opportunities to save in Head Office (HO) Develop execution plans and establish strong governance for the identified projects Develop and build pipeline of initiatives that allow to simplify HO cost External Engagement Build external network with associations to help MU driving the PEP+ Build PEP reputation for PEP+ and establish line of communication for the efforts, roadmap and agenda Regularly communicate to relevant press Performance Management and Reporting Establish key performance indicators and performance objectives and targets in coordination with the Functional Leaders. Cascade KPIs in the organization and increase relevance for both PEP+ simplification agenda Qualifications BA required (MBA Preferred) - 6+ years of experience Strategic mindset and highly analytical thinker with sound business judgment Solid capability to lead, influence and collaborate Experience in program/project management, agile methodologies Well versed and experience with customer selling, commercial processes or operations groups Excellent technical skills to process large quantities of data in an error-free manner Ability to influence peers & senior commercial executives through sound analysis and relevant story telling Self-starter mindset with the ability to “manage up” Passions for Consumer-Packaged Goods and our brands Global outlook with sensitivity and awareness of social and cultural differences Competent to motivate and inspire a cross functional indirect team, while being an influential and collaborative member of the diverse, cross cultural Sector team

buyer (services)
Purpose of the job: Set-up supplier selection process Deploy of commodities strategy Ensure project execution in line with Quality Cost Delivery & Technical objectives Support supplier Panel relationship (Supplier workload, negotiation, Specific agreement) Reports directly to: Site Procurement Director Internal Network & Links Regional Procurement, Platform & Project teams, Supplier Quality, Supply Chain, Legal, Finance, Engineering, Services Main Responsabilities Set up full supplier selection process Prepare and launch of Request for Quotation with suppliers Lead project negotiation Monitor Procurement project QCDT & legal project evolution (First Article Inspection, Business Award, Product development) Ensure work package sheet commitment respect Prepare Business Award Promote the Alstom Code of Ethics and adhering to the highest standards of ethical conduct Coordinate project with all metiers Support Commodity Strategy Consolidate the commodity needs, inputs Participate actively to commodity strategy and panel elaboration Provide imputes to build differentiation Support of Commodity Manager in tender phase Represent the commodities towards projects, platforms and solutions. Ensure effective teamwork with internal customers and stakeholders in problem solving Apply the Alstom Procurement process, and provide return on experience. Build Supplier relationship Support global supplier panel relationship Manage specific supplier panel relationship (negotiation, specific agreement, local supplier QCDT performances) Measure the supplier's performance and develop them in coordination with supplier Quality Team Assess properly all risky suppliers and manage the associated mitigation plan Manage initial issues before escalation to line manage Monitor Corporate Social Responsibility engagements and deviations Respect Alstom code of ethics and guidelines Performance Measurements Savings P&L and Cost to Complete Non Conformities Event and On Time Delivery Panel situation Supplier compliancy status rate Educational Requirements Mandatory: Engineering or Business School master degree Fluent Greek & English Desirable: Master in Purchasing Experience Mandatory: Sourcing professional background (0-5 years) Competencies & Skills Ability to work in a matrix environment Communication skills & team spirit Ability to challenge Results oriented Rigorous and structured International mindset This position will be based in Thessaloniki. You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you! Important to note As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.

tender/bidding engineer (2692)
Hellenic Cables
As a Tender/Bidding Engineer you will be responsible for the tendering process of onshore cable projects; you will have a great understanding of sales processes, as well as business development. Responsibilities: Preparation of tenders on onshore cable system turn-key projects or supply-only framework agreements Negotiation of relevant contracts with customers Initiation and tracking of internal activities in relation to tender deadlines Interface with the Clients and Stakeholders Requirements: Minimum 2 years relevant working experience Excellent command of English language Being customer & results oriented Proactive & dedicated to detail Able to work within timeframe The Company Offers: A unique opportunity to thrive in one of the pioneering companies in cable manufacturing. Competitive remuneration package. Life & Health Insurance Plan. Additional Bonus, based on results.

esg reporting manager/senior manager
We are looking for high-performing, innovative, and enthusiastic candidates to join our growing team intent on helping clients to identify, measure and report on sustainability performance metrics which are most relevant to their business. As Sustainability Reporting Senior Manager/Manager, you will be helping our clients to achieve their sustainability ambitions. Your expertise will help the main actors in different industries to mitigate risks while addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance and ensuring compliance with the existing and new reporting standards. At the same time, you are required to continuously develop through trainings and hands on experience on a variety of engagements. Your key responsibilities This opportunity will enable you to work with leading organizations at a senior level and interact with EY colleagues globally and across service lines. You will take part in demanding projects with regional and global reach, and you will: Develop new business opportunities in the field of Sustainability/ESG Reporting Advise, prepare and review non-financial reports Ensure compliance with the new reporting Directives and Regulations (such as CSRD, EU Taxonomy) Manage project teams Contribute to EY’s Global Knowledge by improving existing assets and solutions, and by supporting the design and development of new ones Skills and attributes for success Ability to network effectively within large organizations and build relationships with colleagues and clients Ability to lead new business development by highlighting potential opportunities for new engagements Knowledge and experience of business strategy and operations, with either a strong background and/or experience in the field of sustainability strategies, impact measurement, and sustainability reporting Keen interest in helping clients better understand, measure, quantify, and articulate the (long-term) value they create for investors and other stakeholders Strong technical, quantitative and analytical skills Strong interpersonal and stakeholder management skills, with excellent written and verbal communication Proven ability to effectively manage and motivate multi-disciplinary and diverse teams for effective and efficient execution To qualify for the role, you must have Relevant experience in sustainability reporting with a proven track record of outstanding performance in the following areas: Sustainability Reporting Frameworks Materiality assessment ESG Ratings Up to date knowledge on Global and EU regulatory developments for Sustainability Ability and comfort in researching and resolving emerging client issues, including regulations, industry practices and new technologies Excellent academic background including a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in a relevant discipline, ranging from sustainability related studies, including engineering disciplines, to business administration/MBA and/or financial reporting Advanced project management skills and proven experience in managing demanding projects Excellent written and verbal communication in Greek and English (both in relation to technical and non-technical issues) Ideally you will also have 7+ years of proven experience in sustainability-related frameworks and standards (e.g. EU Taxonomy, CSRD, ISSB, GRI, UN SDGs, SASB, TCFD, CDP, GHG protocol) Deep knowledge of policies, procedures and controls needed to support sustainability reporting, including financial and non financial reporting processes Understanding of key sustainability issues and trends and how they link to business value Prior consulting or high-impact industry experience Flexibility to travel in accordance with client and other job requirements What we look for What’s most important is that you’re dedicated to working with your colleagues as part of a high-performing team. You’ll need to demonstrate enthusiasm, high motivation, and passion to develop fast in a multinational working environment. You’ll need to thrive in picking up new skills and talents as you go, so natural curiosity, a lot of questions and the confidence to speak up when you see something that could be improved are essential. If you’ve got the right combination of technical knowledge and communication skills as well as consider EY values such as integrity and independence as highly important, then this role is for you. What we offer Competitive remuneration package: You’ll be rewarded for your individual and team performance. Depending on your experience, our comprehensive rewards package includes benefits that suit your needs including cutting-edge technological equipment, ticket restaurant vouchers, a private health insurance scheme, life insurance, income protection and an exclusive EY benefits club that provides a wide range of discounts, offers and promotions. Flexible working arrangements: We operate under a hybrid working model, which is defined based on both your own preferences and team’s needs, and we enjoy our summers with short Fridays. Personalized learning experience and career development: We provide free and unlimited access to educational platforms and EY Badges, support certifications, and provide coaching and feedback, as a part of our Leadership & Development process, all of which can lead to a meaningful impact and success as defined by you. Transformative leadership: We’ll give you the insights, coaching and confidence to be the leader the world needs. Diverse and inclusive culture: You’ll be embraced for who you are and empowered to use your voice to help others find theirs. International Experience: Become part of international projects and work along multicultural teams, through our global network. Above all, you will be working in one of the most recognized employers in Greece, as we have been awarded the Top Employers, Great Place to Work and Best Workplaces for Women awards for 2024. If you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria above, please contact us as soon as possible. The exceptional EY experience. It’s yours to build. Apply now. EY | Building a better working world EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.

data scientist - machine learning
You will identify appropriate modeling techniques to answer the most critical business questions and use your analysis to infer well substantiated business insights in support of your clients’ decision making. To do that, you will use clients’ in-house data as well as appropriate external data-sources. You will also resort to various data management and visualization techniques to provide insight into the data. Your portfolio of skills covers a wide range of advanced statistical and machine learning techniques for classification, prediction, recommendation, clustering, forecasting, as well as data management, data visualization, and optimization, applied in a commercial context. You will build valued relationships with external clients and internal peers and contribute to the development of a portfolio of business by focusing on high-impact opportunities. You will contribute to presentations of modeling results and project proposals. Bringing experience and unique insight on one or more industry, you will use your knowledge and experience to shape solutions to client problems. To qualify for the role you must have Excellent academic background, including at minimum a master degree in Data Science, Business Analytics, Statistics, Mathematics, Econometrics, Engineering, Operational Research, Computer Science, or other related field with strong quantitative focus 2+ years of working or related research experience (evidenced by PhD and/or relevant publications, awards, or completed project credentials) preferably in a commercial/industrial context Hands on development experience with R/Python or related statistical software package including programming skills in building and deploying machine learning models (supervised & unsupervised, time series) and mathematical programming algorithms in supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning techniques Good understanding of machine learning, predictive modeling and optimization algorithms Good understanding of data modeling and evaluation Experience in designing, building, testing and validating highly customized statistical models using a large number of statistical and other quantitative techniques Exposure with scalable big data based advanced analytics software will be considered Strong written and verbal communication, presentation, client service and technical writing skills in English for both technical and business audiences Strong analytical, problem solving and critical thinking skills Ability to work under tight timelines for multiple project deliveries Ability/flexibility to travel and work abroad for international projects What we look for What’s most important is that you’re dedicated to working with your colleagues as part of a high-performing team. You’ll need to demonstrate enthusiasm, high motivation and passion to develop fast in a multinational working environment. You’ll need to thrive in picking up new skills and talents as you go, so natural curiosity, a lot of questions and the confidence to speak up when you see something that could be improved are essential. If you’ve got the right combination of technical knowledge and communication skills, this role is for you. What we offer Competitive remuneration package: You’ll be rewarded for your individual and team performance. Depending on your experience, our comprehensive rewards package includes benefits that suit your needs including cutting-edge technological equipment, ticket restaurant vouchers, a private health insurance scheme, life insurance, income protection and an exclusive EY benefits club that provides a wide range of discounts, offers and promotions. Flexible working arrangements: We operate under a hybrid working model, which is defined based on both your own preferences and team’s needs, and we enjoy our summers with short Fridays. Personalized learning experience and career development: We provide free and unlimited access to educational platforms and EY Badges, support certifications, and provide coaching and feedback, as a part of our Leadership & Development process, all of which can lead to a meaningful impact and success as defined by you. Transformative leadership: We’ll give you the insights, coaching and confidence to be the leader the world needs. Diverse and inclusive culture: You’ll be embraced for who you are and empowered to use your voice to help others find theirs. International Experience: Become part of international projects and work along multicultural teams, through our global network. Above all, you will be working in one of the Top Employers in Greece for 2023, awarded by the Top Employers Institute. If you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria above, please contact us as soon as possible. The exceptional EY experience. It’s yours to build. EY | Building a better working world EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
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