ΤΣΙΜΕΝΤΑ ΤΙΤΑΝ - Αγγελίεσ - Θέσεισ Εργασίασ

incident response analyst





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About the job

TITAN Cement Group is looking for a high-caliber professional to assume the Incident Response Analyst role, who will be playing a key role in safeguarding the organization against cybersecurity threats by coordinating the entire incident response lifecycle activities, from incident detection to timely resolution.


The job holder will contribute in developing Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management strategy, policies and plans, and facilitate effective communication with internal and external stakeholders during cybersecurity crises.


The position is based in Athens, Greece.


The role is required to:


Cybersecurity Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Incident Response Management:

  • Design and build policies and procedures for Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Incident Response, compliant to existing international standards and frameworks for the organization.
  • Coordinate the design and building of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans, as well as Incident Response playbooks and operating procedures
  • Monitor and managing Incident Response: Manage the entire incident response process from detection to resolution with existing teams and partners.
  • Incident Documentation: Document all activities and decisions made during the incident response process, as well as conducting thorough analyses to identify the root cause of incidents and recommend preventive measures.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with organization’s ISMS, as well as relevant laws and regulations by timely report and document incidents to authorities and other external stakeholders
  • Train personnel of the organization on how to handle incidents and report them appropriately.


Supervise, coordinate, and participate as subject matter expert in Information Security Monitoring and Incident Management activities:

  • Coordinate monitoring organizations’ networks and systems for security breaches or intrusions.
  • Participate in incident response activities and technical forensic investigations as subject matter expert.


Cyber Crisis Communication:

  • Crisis Communication: Manage internal and external communications with key stakeholders during a crisis to maintain trust and transparency (no public relations or media communication is expected).
  • Crisis Exercises and Training: Plan and maintain a training program for authorized personnel on crisis management actions.
  • Stakeholder Updates: Provide regular updates to stakeholders, including executives, customers, and prepare updates for regulatory bodies.


What you will bring along:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Technical Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics, or related field.
  • 5 to 7 years of working experience in Information Security or similar fields.
  • Knowledge of Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Crisis Management practices, including coordinating the development and testing of Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery plans.
  • Experience supporting crisis management and incident response efforts in alignment with organizational resilience objectives.
  • Familiarity with SOC principles, organization, operation and monitoring.
  • Fluency in English is a pre-requisite.


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About the company

Η ιστορία του Τιτάνα ξεκινά το 1902, με τη λειτουργία του πρώτου εργοστασίου τσιμέντου στην Ελευσίνα. Από τότε έως σήμερα ο ΤΙΤΑΝ έχει αναπτυχθεί σε έναν διεθνή παραγωγό τσιμέντου και δομικών υλικών με καθετοποιημένη δραστηριότητα. Στην Ελλάδα διαθέτουμε 3 εργοστάσια παραγωγής τσιμέντου, μονάδα άλεσης κλίνκερ και μονάδα παραγωγής ξηρών κονιαμάτων, 4 σταθμούς διανομής, 25 λατομεία και 28 μονάδες ετοίμου σκυροδέματος.

Από την ίδρυση του ΤΙΤΑΝ συνδέσαμε την πορεία μας με την ιστορία της Ελλάδας. Συμμετείχαμε παραγωγικά στην ανοικοδόμησή της και είμαστε πάντα παρόντες στην κατασκευή μεγάλων έργων και στη δημιουργία μεγάλων εθνικών υποδομών. Εδώ και περισσότερο από έναν αιώνα δίνουμε σχήμα στα όνειρα χιλιάδων Ελλήνων, με εξαιρετικής ποιότητας, καινοτόμα, αξιόπιστα και προσιτά προϊόντα, που αντέχουν στο χρόνο και θεμελιώνουν με ασφάλεια το μέλλον μας.

Εξελισσόμαστε διαρκώς, αξιοποιώντας την πιο σύγχρονη τεχνολογία και τεχνογνωσία και διευρύνοντας τους ορίζοντές μας στις πλέον απαιτητικές διεθνείς αγορές, χωρίς όμως να παρεκκλίνουμε από τις αξίες και τη στρατηγική μας.

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