Θέσεις Εργασίας - Ελλάδα - Sales Marketing Retail
(543 Results)
σύμβουλος πωλήσεων accessories
Η Βιομηχανική Μονάδα της εταιρίας EUROPA ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS που κατέχει ηγετική θέση στην παραγωγή και εμπορία Αλουμινίου, με έδρα τα Οινόφυτα Βοιωτίας ζητά να εντάξει στο Δυναμικό της: Σύμβουλο Πωλήσεων Accessories (Θυγατρική εταιρεία Europa) με έδρα τα Οινόφυτα Βοιωτίας Περιγραφή θέσης Ο κάτοχος της θέσης θα δημιουργεί, διατηρεί και αναπτύσσει σχέσεις με τους πελάτες, με σκοπό την αύξηση των πωλήσεων των προϊόντων της εταιρείας Accessories, όπου περιλαμβάνει περιφερειακά προϊόντα ρολών, σήτας και εξαρτημάτων αλουμινίου. Εξυπηρέτηση, Διαχείριση και Ανάπτυξη Πελατολογίου στην περιφέρεια Αττικής (εμπόρων εξαρτημάτων – αλουμινίου και κατασκευαστών). Καθημερινές επισκέψεις με στόχο την ενημέρωση και την πώληση των προϊόντων Accessories. Bασική τεχνική υποστήριξη των συνεργατών της εταιρίας. Ανάλυση και καταγραφή του ανταγωνισμού και των ενεργειών του. Δραστηριοποίηση με Action Plan περιοχής, σύμφωνα με εμπορική στοχοθέτηση. Επικοινωνία και συνεργασία με όλα τα εμπλεκόμενα τμήματα του ομίλου Ευχέρεια μετακίνησης / ταξιδιών εσωτερικού. Συμμετοχής σε εταιρικές εκδηλώσεις (π.χ παρουσιάσεις, σεμινάρια, συνέδρια, Εκθέσεις κλπ) Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο Τεχνικής Κατεύθυνσης Εκπληρωμένη Στρατιωτική θητεία Προσήλωση στους στόχους και ομαδικό πνεύμα Καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας & MS Office Δεξιότητες: Εμπειρία τουλάχιστον 3-5 ετών σε τμήμα πωλήσεων προϊόντων δομικών υλικών. Προϋπηρεσία πωλήσεων στον χώρο του αλουμινίου θα θεωρηθεί πρόσθετο προσόν . Επικοινωνιακές και οργανωτικές δεξιότητες. Η εταιρεία προσφέρει: Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών. Bonus κατόπιν σχετικής στοχοθέτησης Αυτοκίνητο, Κινητό τηλέφωνο, Tablet Πρόσθετη ιατροφαρμακευτική ασφάλιση. Συνεχή εκπαίδευση και ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που πληρούν τις προϋποθέσεις , μπορούν να στείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στο email [email protected] αναγράφοντας τον κωδικό της θέσης sales#access#
σύμβουλος πωλήσεων αττικής
Η Βιομηχανική Μονάδα της εταιρίας EUROPA ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS που κατέχει ηγετική θέση στην παραγωγή και εμπορία Αλουμινίου, με έδρα τα Οινόφυτα Βοιωτίας ζητά να εντάξει στο Δυναμικό της: ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΟ ΠΩΛΗΣΕΩΝ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΩΝ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΩΝ με έδρα την ΑΤΤΙΚΗ Περιγραφή θέσης Ο κάτοχος της θέσης θα δημιουργεί, διατηρεί εμπορικές σχέσεις με τους υφιστάμενους πελάτες, ενώ σκοπός είναι να δημιουργεί και να αναπτύσσει νέο πελατολόγιο, με σκοπό την αύξηση των πωλήσεων. Εξυπηρέτηση, Διαχείριση και Ανάπτυξη Πελατολογίου στην περιοχή της Αττικής, των αρχιτεκτονικών συστημάτων Αλουμινίου Europa. Καθημερινές επισκέψεις στις περιοχές ευθύνης, με στόχο την ενημέρωση και την πώληση. Βασική τεχνική υποστήριξη των συνεργατών κατασκευαστών της εταιρίας. Εξυπηρέτηση ζητήσεων και διαχείριση - παρακολούθηση παραγγελιών. Επικοινωνία και συνεργασία με όλα τα εμπλεκόμενα τμήματα του ομίλου. Προώθηση όλων των περιφερειακών προϊόντων αρχιτεκτονικών συστημάτων Αλουμινίου. Συμμετοχή σε εταιρικές εκδηλώσεις (π.χ παρουσιάσεις, σεμινάρια, συνέδρια, Εκθέσεις κλπ) Ταξίδια εσωτερικού για επισκέψεις στους συνεργάτες της εταιρείας. Ανάλυση και καταγραφή του ανταγωνισμού και των ενεργειών του. Λειτουργεία με Action Plan περιοχής, σύμφωνα με την εμπορική στοχοθέτηση. Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο Τεχνικής/ Τεχνολογικής Κατεύθυνσης Εκπληρωμένη Στρατιωτική θητεία Προσήλωση στους στόχους και ομαδικό πνεύμα Καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας & MS Office Δεξιότητες: Εμπειρία τουλάχιστον 3 ετών σε τμήμα πωλήσεων προϊόντων δομικών υλικών. Προϋπηρεσία πωλήσεων στον χώρο του αλουμινίου θα θεωρηθεί πρόσθετο προσόν . Επικοινωνιακές και οργανωτικές δεξιότητες. Η εταιρεία προσφέρει: Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών. Bonus κατόπιν σχετικής στοχοθέτησης Αυτοκίνητο, Κινητό τηλέφωνο, Tablet και Laptop Πρόσθετη ιατροφαρμακευτική ασφάλιση. Συνεχή τεχνική και πωλησιακή εκπαίδευση, καθώς και ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης. Prim για τα εκτός έδρας ταξίδια Εκμάθηση μηχανογραφικών και λογιστικών προγραμμάτων Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που πληρούν τις προϋποθέσεις , μπορούν να στείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στο email [email protected] αναγράφοντας τον κωδικό της θέσης 1.sales#attiki#
σύμβουλος πωλήσεων ηπείρου & ιονίων νήσων
Η Βιομηχανική Μονάδα της εταιρίας EUROPA ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS που κατέχει ηγετική θέση στην παραγωγή και εμπορία Αλουμινίου, με έδρα τα Οινόφυτα Βοιωτίας ζητά να εντάξει στο Δυναμικό της: ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΟ ΠΩΛΗΣΕΩΝ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΩΝ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΩΝ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ & ΙΟΝΙΩΝ ΝΗΣΩΝ Περιγραφή θέσης Ο κάτοχος της θέσης θα δημιουργεί, διατηρεί και αναπτύσσει σχέσεις με τους πελάτες της ευρύτερης περιοχής της ηπειρωτικής Ελλάδας και τμημάτων της Δυτικής Ελλάδας, με σκοπό την αύξηση των πωλήσεων. Εξυπηρέτηση, Διαχείριση και Ανάπτυξη Πελατολογίου – κατασκευαστών αλουμινίου. Καθημερινές επισκέψεις με στόχο την ενημέρωση και την πώληση. Βασική τεχνική ενημέρωση συστημάτων αλουμινίου, των πελατών. Ανάλυση και καταγραφή του ανταγωνισμού και των ενεργειών του. Λειτουργεί με βάση Action Plan περιοχής, σύμφωνα με εμπορική στοχοποίηση. Επικοινωνία με εμπορικά καταστήματα της εταιρείας, των περιοχών δραστηριοποίησης και συνεργασία με όλα τα εμπλεκόμενα τμήματα του ομίλου. Συμμετοχή σε ταξίδια στις περιοχές ευθύνης του. Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: Πτυχίο Τεχνικής Κατεύθυνσης Εκπληρωμένη Στρατιωτική θητεία Προσήλωση στους στόχους και ομαδικό πνεύμα Καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας & MS Office Δεξιότητες: Εμπειρία τουλάχιστον 3 ετών σε τμήμα πωλήσεων προϊόντων δομικών υλικών και μετάλλων. Προϋπηρεσία πωλήσεων στον χώρο του αλουμινίου θα θεωρηθεί πρόσθετο προσόν. Επικοινωνιακές και οργανωτικές δεξιότητες. Η εταιρεία προσφέρει: Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών. Πρόσθετη ιατροφαρμακευτική ασφάλιση. Συνεχή εκπαίδευση και ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης. Bonus κατόπιν σχετικής ετήσιας στοχοθέτησης. Αυτοκίνητο, Κινητό τηλέφωνο, Tablet. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που πληρούν τις προϋποθέσεις , μπορούν να στείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στο email: [email protected] αναγράφοντας τον κωδικό της θέσης sales#Hpeiros#
senior sales account manager
Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: § Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ Πληροφορικής, Τηλεπικοινωνιών ή ανάλογου τομέα § Διαπιστωμένη εμπειρία τουλάχιστον 3 ετών σε αντίστοιχη θέση § Γνώσεις σε τεχνολογίες IT και επικοινωνιών § Πολύ καλή γνώση MS Office § Άριστη γνώση αγγλικών σε γραπτό και προφορικό λόγο Επιθυμητά προσόντα: · Πιστοποιήσεις πωλήσεων Προσωπικά χαρακτηριστικά: § Άριστες επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες § Ικανότητα διάγνωσης και ανάλυσης αναγκών πελατών § Δυνατότητα λήψεως αποφάσεων § Μεθοδικότητα και συνέπεια § Ομαδικότητα και συνεργασία Η εταιρία προσφέρει: § Άριστο εργασιακό περιβάλλον § Προοπτικές εξέλιξης § Συνεχή εκπαίδευση § Πρόγραμμα ομαδικής ασφάλισης
sales executive (greece)
SKY express
The Sales Executive (Greece) is responsible for trade sales and business development activities in an assigned territory in Greece. This role plays a critical function in driving business growth, increasing brand awareness, and ensuring the successful implementation of the company’s commercial strategies tailored to the Greek travel trade. Responsibilities: Collect, analyse, and summarize sales activity. Identify trends, customer preferences, and monitor competitive landscape through research and analysis. Manage a portfolio of trade partners (i.e. Travel Agents). Identify trade partner requirements and needs. Maximize company’s revenue growth and market share through the respective B2B channels. Make data-driven recommendations for continuous improvement in travel trade engagement and sales performance. Propose and execute appropriate actions to achieve performance against targets. Build and maintain relationships with external stakeholders fostering drive sales in Greek market. Negotiate agreements with trade partners and contribute to the preparation of the underlying commercial contracts. Provide feedback on company’s distribution strategy, service and competitiveness. Establish company as the trade partners’ airline of choice. Represent and promote company in communities’ events, trade shows, familiarization trips and workshops. Competences: Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Strong strategic thinking and analytical skills. Very good negotiation skills. Ability to prioritize tasks. Time-management skills and ability to work under pressure. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Travel Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field. A master’s degree will be considered an asset. Preferred proven experience in airline sales management. Extensive familiarity with the Greek travel trade, including travel agents, tour operators, and industry stakeholders. In-depth knowledge of the Greek travel market, including consumer behavior, market dynamics, and aviation trends. Fluency in oral and written English. • Proficiency Knowledge of MS Office. Benefits: A dynamic work environment with the chance to make a tangible impact on our success. Development plan opportunities within the company. Travel benefits on SKY express flights (including a’ grade family members). About SKY express: We are the Greek multi-awarded airline for excellence and innovation in Europe, which is redefining the landscape of aviation. With Greece’s youngest fleet and the addition of two new AIRBUS A320 neo and four new ATR 72-600 in 2024, at SKY express we keep connecting people, businesses, and dreams wherever we fly. SKY express has been recognized with two prestigious ERA awards for its remarkable work in innovating and excelling in the aviation. More specifically SKY express has been awarded: • The ERA Airline Excellence Award 2023 • The ERA Innovation Airline Award 2023 At SKY express, we are on a mission to turn everyday flying into a modern, comfortable, and tailormade experience, that fits all our passengers’ needs. We can’t wait to have you on board on this new remarkable journey! Applicants’ personal data will be used for recruitment purposes only and applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Please note that only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
sales support and reservation agent
SKY express
The Sales Support and Reservation Agent is responsible for providing excellent customer service, driving sales, and ensuring efficient operations within the airline industry. This role plays a critical function in driving business growth, increasing brand awareness, and ensuring the successful implementation of the company’s commercial strategies. Responsibilities: Build and maintain relationships with external partners and travel agencies to generate additional sales and revenue. Negotiate and close agreements with trade partners and customers. Handle on-time customer inquiries and requests. Manage and monitor tickets’ reservation. Support Group sales operations and reporting. Identify customer needs and ensure proper customer experience. Cross-collaboration with internal teams. Competences: Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Very good negotiation skills. Time-management skills and ability to work under pressure. Teamwork and collaboration. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, Business Administration, or a related field. At least two years of experience in the travel industry and in customer service. Fluency in oral and written Greek and English. Knowledge of French, German or Italian will be considered an asset. Proficiency Knowledge of MS Office. About SKY express: We are the Greek multi-awarded airline for excellence and innovation in Europe, which is redefining the landscape of aviation. With Greece’s youngest fleet and the planned addition of two new AIRBUS A320 neo and four new ATR 72-600 in 2024, at SKY express we keep connecting people, businesses, and dreams wherever we fly. SKY express has been recognized with two prestigious ERA awards for its remarkable work in innovating and excelling in the aviation. More specifically SKY express has been awarded: • The ERA Airline Excellence Award 2023 • The ERA Innovation Airline Award 2023 At SKY express, we are on a mission to turn everyday flying into a modern, comfortable, and tailormade experience, that fits all our passengers’ needs. We can’t wait to have you on board on this new remarkable journey! Applicants’ personal data will be used for recruitment purposes only and applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Please note that only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
digital sales specialist
SKY express
SKY express is currently seeking for a results-focused junior professional, with a passion for driving digital sales to join our team in Athens as we seek to further grow and develop our online sales performance. Among our sales channels we have several digital sales generating channels including our website and OTAs. Our multi digital channel engagement allows us to significantly improve our commercial results, by utilizing data-driven and other features which lead into actionable insights thus specific revenue generating marketing actions, regardless the sales channel or engagement touchpoint.Key responsibilities: Assist in developing digital sales strategy & actions for assigned markets proposing and managing activities to drive flight and ancillary revenue generation Work with Marketing teams to ensure SKY express sales activity is supported appropriately (e.g. onsite content, SEO/SEM, social media marketing, email & affiliate marketing, digital display, other media) Identify new opportunities to grow the direct sales channel including, but not limited to, tactical sales campaigns, pricing initiatives, partner and/or closed user group offers. Initiate & manage activity with multiple stakeholders, managing and supporting all elements of the activity including relationships with internal/external parties as required. Regularly monitor sales campaign performance, sales KPIs and dashboards (based on revenues and targets) to identify areas of improvement, new initiatives and propose corrective actions. Understand online travel agent business models and key drivers to success within this sales channel. Liaise with local teams/OTA leads to ensure both distribution channels are working in complement to achieve sales targets. Ensure SKY express website for assigned region/markets (local language and English language) are refreshed with updated offer, policy and pricing content at all times, including preparing all-inclusive fare documents to brief internal Online Fares team for website fare displays. Skill set: Customer oriented Strong communication skills Attention to detail Ability to work under pressure Team player Problem solving Requirements: Bachelor’s degree Minimum of 2-3 years of experience within relevant field (Digital agency, OTA, e-commerce B2C) Ideally with airline industry background, if not at least with travel industry. Must be a self-starter who can prove an ability to operate in a challenging environment and with multi-cultural teams. Excellent command of the English language PC literacy Knowledge of any other language will be considered an asset. If you consider yourself an enthusiastic professional that wishes to become a part of the fastest-growing and greenest Greek airline, please send us your CV The personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only. Personal data of unsuccessful applications will be deleted. Please note that only candidates who meet the requirements of a relevant job description shall be contacted. Candidates who will be contacted, may be asked for further information as part of our screening process.
We are currently seeking to hire a: Sales Manager for Peugeot motorcycles, Segway ATVs, Horwin electric scooters #About the role Design and implement effective sales strategies for the assigned brands Achieve growth and hit sales and profit targets by successfully managing the sales team Develop and oversee a high-performing dealer network, emphasizing both quantitative growth and qualitative excellence Maintain comprehensive knowledge of the products and trends within the respective market, along with a clear understanding of competitors Establish strong relations with B2B channels (R.A.C, fleet sales) Close collaboration with Marketing, Technical, and Spare Parts Manager to ensure seamless integration of strategies Present sales, revenue and expense reports and realistic forecasts to the management team Close and proactive monitoring of product inventory What will you bring to our team BS/MS degree in business administration or a related field Successful previous experience in a relevant sector Committed to continuous education through workshops, seminars, and conferences Proven ability to drive the sales process from plan to close Strong business acumen and industry expertise Excellent knowledge of the English language (both oral and written) Excellent computer knowledge and MS Office Motorcycle driver's license will be a plus Availability for frequent business travels Customer-centric mindset Dynamic personality with communication and negotiation skills Ability to build trusting relationships Ability to solve problems and focus on results Saracakis Group of Companies Benefits On top of the challenging work environment, we are offering: 💸Competitive salary package and bonus scheme. 👩⚕️ Health and life insurance for you and your family. 🏢 Modern facilities, onsite occupational doctor, and indoor parking 💻 Cutting-edge IT equipment, mobile and data plan 📚 We want you to grow with us! We provide you access to our online training platform where you can study topics for your personal and professional growth! ⭐Clear career paths & a developmental 360° feedback framework. 🌱 Employee or Group product & services referral bonuses, regular well-being, ESG, and volunteering activities. 🎉Financially supporting employees’ post-graduation studies, marriages and newborns. 💰 Discounts on our company’s products 🏃♀️ A variety of company activities and family perks. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡? 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬!
sales engineer used trucks/buses
Saracakis Group of Companies
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞 Having a leadership presence in the automotive sector for over a century, at Saracakis Group of Companies, we are always looking for passionate people to join our team. You’ll be part of the Commercial Machinery Sales team. SALES ENGINEER USED TRUCKS/BUSES #YourRole in more detail ✅ Prepare, negotiate, and present product technical portfolio details and financial offers. ✅ Answer general and detailed questions about commercial vehicles and the financial aspects of their purchase. ✅ Help customers familiarize themselves with the trucks/vehicles they are interested in by demonstrating and explaining technical details and specific legal or financial requirements. ✅ Help customers arrange, and process financing and purchase options based on their situation. ✅ Communicate with new and existing customers to discuss their needs. ✅ Maintain and develop the company’s customer base. ✅ Present, promote and sell products/services using strong arguments to existing and prospective customers. What will you bring: ✅ Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. ✅ Previews working experience of minimum 3 years in relevant sector. ✅ Customer service oriented. ✅ Availability for frequent travel. ✅ Excellent knowledge of MS Office suite and particularly Excel. ✅ Fluency in Greek and English, both oral and written. ✅ Driving license for commercial vehicles (C/D/E) will be considered a plus. ✅ Military obligations fulfilled (for male applicants). ✅ Excellent communication, sales, and negotiation skills ✅ Self-motivated, decision-making, and problem-solving attitude. ✅ Analytical thinking, attention to detail, and strong organization and prioritization skills. ✅ Strong business acumen, and proactive thinking. ✅ Positive aptitude and desire for continued personal development & growth. Saracakis Group of Companies Benefits On top of the challenging work environment, we are offering: 💸Competitive salary package and bonus scheme. 👩⚕️ Health and life insurance for you and your family. 🏢 Modern facilities, onsite occupational doctor, and indoor parking 💻 Cutting-edge IT equipment, mobile and data plan 📚 We want you to grow with us! We provide you access to our online training platform where you can study topics for your personal and professional growth! ⭐Clear career paths & a developmental 360° feedback framework. 🌱 Employee or Group product & services referral bonuses, regular well-being, ESG, and volunteering activities. 🎉Financially supporting employees’ post-graduation studies, marriages, and newborns. 💰 Discounts on our company’s products. 🏃♀️ A variety of company activities and family perks. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡? 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬! 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 Apply for this job
junior sales engineer volvo penta
Saracakis Group of Companies
With a leading presence in the Greek business ecosystem for over a century, we are the exclusive distributors of a very broad range of automotive and machinery products of world-renowned brands. Acting always with integrity and respecting our Group’s heritage, we only make promises that can be kept and we deliver them. We turn our visions into reality setting as our main priority the betterment of our customers’ daily lives. We pledge to create solutions by offering personalized experiences whilst we are committed to operating in a sustainable way. 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞 Having a leadership presence in the automotive sector for over a century, at Saracakis Group of Companies, we are always looking for passionate people to join our team. You’ll be part of the Commercial Machinery Sales team. JUNIOR SALES ENGINEER VOLVO PENTA #YourRole in more detail ✅ Prepare, negotiate, and present product technical portfolio details and financial offers. ✅ Answer general and detailed questions about commercial vehicles and the financial aspects of their purchase. ✅ Help customers familiarize themselves with the trucks/vehicles they are interested in by demonstrating and explaining technical details and specific legal or financial requirements. ✅ Help customers arrange, and process financing and purchase options based on their situation. ✅ Communicate with new and existing customers to discuss their needs. ✅ Maintain and develop the company’s customer base. ✅ Present, promote and sell products/services using strong arguments to existing and prospective customers. What will you bring: ✅ Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. ✅ Customer service oriented. ✅ Availability for frequent travel. ✅ Excellent knowledge of MS Office suite and particularly Excel. ✅ Fluency in Greek and English, both oral and written. ✅ Driving license for commercial vehicles (C/D/E) will be considered a plus. ✅ Military obligations fulfilled (for male applicants). ✅ Excellent communication, sales, and negotiation skills ✅ Self-motivated, decision-making, and problem-solving attitude. ✅ Analytical thinking, attention to detail, and strong organization and prioritization skills. ✅ Strong business acumen, and proactive thinking. ✅ Positive aptitude and desire for continued personal development & growth. Saracakis Group of Companies Benefits On top of the challenging work environment, we are offering: 💸Competitive salary package and bonus scheme. 👩⚕️ Health and life insurance for you and your family. 🏢 Modern facilities, onsite occupational doctor, and indoor parking 💻 Cutting-edge IT equipment, mobile and data plan 📚 We want you to grow with us! We provide you access to our online training platform where you can study topics for your personal and professional growth! ⭐Clear career paths & a developmental 360° feedback framework. 🌱 Employee or Group product & services referral bonuses, regular well-being, ESG, and volunteering activities. 🎉Financially supporting employees’ post-graduation studies, marriages, and newborns. 💰 Discounts on our company’s products. 🏃♀️ A variety of company activities and family perks. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡? 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬! 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥